Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Danger of Chrisitan "Righteousness" -- Do Not Deceive Yourself

I was praying to the Father this morning for understanding of His word and for guidance.  Before I prayed, I was thinking of reading through parts of 1 Corinthians for guidance in my life regarding how to help purify myself as He is pure.  (See, 1 John 3: 3)

I was paging through the Bible to get to 1 Corinthians, and as I came to the Book of Ezekiel I heard God tell me to read Chapter 33 of Ezekiel.  From memory, I did not recall specifically what was in that Chapter.  After reading through verse 20 of Chapter 33 it became clear what the Father wants me to do today, which is to write this blog for all who have ears to hear in regard to what the Father wants those who call themselves Christians to hear and understand.  Please read on.

In Ezekiel 33, after discussing the responsibilities of a watchman, which I believe I am, God's word very simply sets forth a principle of righteousness to be followed, which is as applicable today as it was in the days of Ezekiel.  Jesus is the word of God (John 1: 1) who NEVER changes (Heb 13: 8).  Do not be tricked into believing that whatever God said in the Old Testament has no application, or not much application, today.  His principles on righteousness NEVER change.

God says in Ez 33: 12-20 that in the day of judgment the self righteousness of those who say they are righteous SHALL NOT DELIVER THEM.  This means that if you consider yourself a Christian, you cannot simply relax ("pine away", verse 10) in saying or believing that you are righteous, without living a righteous life.  Of course, one must obtain the righteousness of God given to you by grace through your acceptance and belief in what Jesus did on the cross.  But, a true Christian must be ACTIVE, not relaxed, in working out his/her salvation (Phil 2: 12) through good works (Eph 2: 10; James 2: 14) and doing what is right on a DAILY basis (Luke 9: 23).

You cannot fool God.  God looks at the heart (1 Sam 16: 7) and not pretense.  If your heart is set on trying to get away with a little evil here or there and think to yourself that it's OK since you are saved by grace, YOU ARE DECEIVING YOURSELF.  This is not a pleasant message to hear -- for myself or for you who are reading this.  But this is the message that God wants us to know and understand.  It is how he feels about sin.  He HATES sin.

God understands that we will fail.  When we do fail we are to ask for forgiveness, which will be granted freely (1 John 1: 9) and we are to turn from such ways.  If we continue failing in the same areas in our life:  anger, theft, disobeying authority, adultery, covetousness, etc. one must seriously consider several things:

  1. Am I truly born again?
  2. If I am, then why am I continuing, perhaps habitually, in sinful behavior in certain areas of my life?
  3. Have I asked Jesus to forgive me, with a heart-felt understanding that I am wrong and have sinned?
  4. Am I actively trying on a daily basis to deny what I want and to purify myself, my life, the things I do and say, to become more like Jesus?
  5. Am I unaware or deceived into believing that I can continue in sin without consequence?
As God says very clearly in Ez 33: 13, do not trust in your own righteousness, the things you are doing well, to save you if you continue in sin without much regard for its consequences.  As we learn in the New Testament, Jesus forgives our sins, but then asks us that we "go and sin no more."  (See John 8: 11, in regard to the story of the woman caught in the very act of adultery)

If you are a born again believer, your DUTY is purify yourself EVERY DAY to become more like Jesus while you are on this earth.  It is a struggle (Mat 7: 14, the "narrow way" is difficult), but God gives the Holy Spirit freely to all who ask (Luke 11: 13) to help us to overcome sin.  In the Holy Spirit we have the strength of Jesus IN US to help us overcome sin.  Jesus lived not as God on earth, but as a man.  He emptied himself of being God (Phil 2: 6-8) to live on earth and operated as a man solely under the power of the Holy Spirit to help him overcome sin.  Jesus' life on earth is a model of how God wants EACH of us to live.  You should reread the 4 Gospels and focus on how Jesus lived His life in the face of all adversity and sinful temptation.  He followed the Father's desires (known today to us through His word) AT ALL TIMES AND IN EVERY SITUATION.

This too is our daily goal.  Do not live your life without being mindful of these things.  Do you spend more time making sure your computer is free of harmful viruses than you do making sure your soul is free of harmful sin?

I pray that God opens the eyes of your heart to see more clearly His desire for you to be perfect, as He is perfect, through the power of the Holy Spirit which is in you.

2013 - True Believer

To check out my other blogs, please navigate through my Blog Archive.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Time for Repentance By God's Church has Come -- A Prayer for the United States

This message has been brewing in my spirit for about a year or so.  It is being written for those in the United States church, but it is applicable to any true born-again believer in any nation in the world.  It is time to publish it.

Many in the church today have some understanding or spiritual awareness that things are not going well in the United States of America these days.  In fact, things are getting worse at a rather high rate of change.  I am speaking of increased opposition to all things Christian.  This increasing strong hatred of Christianity is approaching critical mass and now permeates our society and government.  Sadly, it is becoming difficult to speak the name of Jesus openly in public, whether at a high school commencement ceremony by a valedictorian student or by a chaplain in the U.S. armed forces.  Bibles are becoming forbidden.

We know who is behind these activities.  He is the same being who tempted Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden so long ago.  His tactics do not change.  His message does not change.  His hatred for all things associated with our God is greater than anyone can imagine. Jesus informed us years ago, as recorded in John 10: 10, that "the thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy."  That is his plan, and it has never changed and will never change.  Satan has been defeated, but he is not yet destroyed.  He will only flee from those who resist him.

We see the ungodly behavior in this nation on the rise.  A nation founded by God, under God, and blessed by God.  We now hear from our leaders in Washington DC that we were NOT founded on Christian principles.  We hear our leaders say that Islam has, and has had, as much influence in this nation as Christianity or any other religion.  That is a lie and an attempt to restate actual historic fact. 

We see gay pride parades on the increase.  We see hostility against anyone who speaks the name of Jesus in public or attempts to openly do anything in His name.  We see same sex marriage being approved by more and more states.  We see abortions being condoned, encouraged, and discounted on Sundays!

In many states, voters who call themselves Christian are voting in favor of these laws in the interest of being "fair to all people" and thereby being "politically correct."  God still considers same sex marriage an abomination.  God never changes.  To Him, this type of behavior will ALWAYS be an abomination.  These people will never enter the Kingdom of God.  Paul says the same thing in 1 Cor 6: 9.

Some years ago, I was taught by a great teacher of the bible that "God is not judging America."  His statement was based on his belief that God is not judging individuals these days, since all judgment and punishment for all sin had been placed upon Jesus (which it was).  This teacher also tells us (correctly) that God's grace is upon each of us who have accepted Jesus as our Lord (master), Savior and Redeemer.

BUT, God is indeed judging NATIONS.  He has been doing this since nations have existed.  Israel was constantly being judged for straying from God, and indeed, the partial blindness over their nation (the Jewish nation worldwide) spoken of by Paul in Rom 11: 25 resulted from their turning from God and still remains today.  This is the reason most Jews cannot accept Jesus as the Messiah.  This blindness will be removed when Jesus returns, as the bible says.

King David wrote over 3,000 years ago that, "The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God." (Emphasis added) (See, Ps 9: 17-18)  This was a message of warning to all nations for all times.  God does not change.

In Jer 18: 7-10, God speaks about any nation which sins against Him and the nation which does, or does not, repent of that sin.  Beginning in verse 7 God speaks, "The instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, to pull down, and to destroy it, if that nation against whom I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent of the disaster that I thought to bring upon it.  And the instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it, if it does evil in My sight so that it does not obey My voice, then I will relent concerning the good with which I said I would benefit it." (Emphasis added)

If anyone reading this was unsure of God's heart toward a nation who turns from Him, your uncertainty should now be gone.  What God said regarding His judging the nations, as recorded by Old Testament prophets, is also for us today.  God punishes, yesterday and today, all such nations.  (See, also Ez 14: 12-20, regarding God's judgment on a land having persistent unfaithfulness toward Him.)  How much more do you think it breaks God's heart to see a nation such as ours turn from Him, a nation that was ONCE UPON A TIME faithful to Him?  A nation, similar to the nation of Israel, which He founded and blessed and has set apart to be a light to the rest of the world?  We indeed have brought light to the world through our sharing of the Gospel, but now we are bringing darkness and death to the world through our sharing of liberal, ungodly moral conduct and values.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, unless we the church humble ourselves, pray, seek His face and TURN from out wicked ways God has NO CHOICE but to judge our nation and to destroy it.  However, 2 Chron 7: 14 also gives us a way out.  It says that if God's people (the church, not the unbelieving ungodly secular individuals some of whom are leaders of this nation) humble themselves, pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked ways, God will hear us from heaven, forgive our sins and HEAL OUR LAND!

Without the leadership of our nation participating in such repentance by acknowledging these wrong immoral activities, putting an end to them and requesting God's forgiveness, the church must "go it alone" and be strong in its repentance and request that our nation's leaders also acknowledge the need for a national repentance -- to save our nation.  But, those of God's true church, the Philadelphia church of Rev 3, are the only ones  promised an escape from coming judgment.  It is the Philadelphia church of God, true believers who have chosen the narrow and difficult way to live a holy life free from sin and who repent who will be saved.  An unrepentant nation is doomed.  A repentant church (a group of called-out ones of God) will be saved.

Our once-great nation blessed by God Almighty is being scrutinized by the Almighty and is ripe for destruction.  The stench of the immoral ungodly activities of those in our nation, and condoned by our nation's leadership, is clearly in His sight and is reaching, and one may argue has already reached, the breaking point.

Now, I can hear some of you thinking that I have gone too far -- that God will never judge our nation and that what I am saying is not only unpatriotic but blasphemous! Dear reader, I do not apologize for this message.  But, I do want to edify and instruct you and not just pound my proverbial fist and lament over what I see happening in our nation today.

It is true that God hates the kind of abominable ungodly behavior being allowed and even encouraged in our nation.  I believe that we have three paths for the future of this nation:

Path 1 -- The church remains dead and asleep, or at best lukewarm.  Either condition is considered an abomination to God.  (See Rev 3, regarding the churches at Sardis and Laodicea.)  On this path, God will judge this nation and bring the sword upon believer and unbeliever alike.  (See, Ez 21: 4)

Path 2 -- The church wakes up and becomes emboldened to proclaim the truth.  This will not happen unless church leaders wake up and become bold shepherds under the influence of the Holy Spirit.  New leaders of the church will arise from nowhere to lead God's people into repentance.  Former church leaders will become emboldened by this and join in repentance, or will be swept aside.  On this path, without true change by our nation, God may still bring judgment on this nation and destroy it, but keep from destruction by the sword in the time of trouble those whose hearts have repented.  (See, Ps 27: 5; Luke 21: 36)

Path 3 -- The awakened and emboldened church causes a true national revival and call to true repentance.  Many ungodly leaders and ungodly individuals will fight this movement, but will be swept aside as the power of God flows through those leading and following the repentance movement.  New political leaders will arise who will follow Godly morals.  Ungodly behavior will be outlawed.  Signs and wonders will follow those who believe, causing unbelievers to become believers and thereby increasing the momentum and power of the cleansing repentance sweeping our nation.  On this path, God can and will bring new leaders to run this nation once He sees this kind of true, heartfelt repentance.  God rules in the kingdom of men and gives to whom He wills.  (See, Dan 4: 14)  He will hold off on His judgment and heal this nation.  (See, 2 Chron 7: 14)

My desire is that we as a nation proceed down Path 3.  Already, church leaders such as Billy Graham have felt this need of a national repentance as well.  He, at over 90 years of age, has called a national week of repentance, with a special day of prayer set for November 7, 2013 (Billy's birthday).  Other leaders have called for a day of prayer and repentance on September 11, 2013.  I hear of more and more of these types of "calls to repentance" declared almost weekly.  But, repentance must begin NOW by members of the church of Christ.  There must be follow-through of actual repentance, a turning away from participation or support of these immoral activities and not just a feel-good CALL to repentance.

These calls to repentance may have good intentions and may raise awareness among the church and the secular of our nation of the moral decay our nation is contaminated with, but THESE ACTIVITES ARE NOT ENOUGH!  We as individual Christians and members of the Body of Christ are not powerless.  We need to pray, to organize, to speak to our pastors, to our priests, and to our lay leaders.  Church leadership must shepherd their sheep to repentance.  Failure to do this will cause God to bring the sword against this nation.  Against believer and unbeliever alike.

Without true repentance, our nation is progressing down Path 1 by becoming step-by-step the Great Harlot of Rev 17 and 18 to be destroyed by a nation, or group of nations, that God chooses to be His sword.  Again, this will destroy both believer and unbeliever.

I pray that you seriously consider this message and act accordingly.  Your liberty and freedom to operate peaceably as a Christian in this nation is at risk.  Your life on this earth and the lives of your family members and friends are at risk.  WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?

I felt the Holy Spirit convict me to do something after I asked myself in early 2012, "what could I, just one person, do?"  The Holy Spirit put to my mind the fact that Daniel, as recorded in Dan 9, spoke a prayer to God on behalf of his people of Judah who were then being held captive in Babylon.  I  felt inspired at that point to write a prayer based on the prayer Daniel spoke to God, while making some additions and changes which align with our New Covenant under the Lord Jesus Christ.  I felt inspired to take this very prayer to Washington, D.C. on October 8, 2012, where I read it aloud on the White House Elipse.  I don't know why God wanted me to do that, but I was obedient and did it.

If we as a nation are to truly repent to keep God's hand from delivering His wrath upon this nation, I believe we must all pray this prayer, or a similar prayer, from our hearts.  If we do, and we repent and turn from our wicked deeds, God will hear from heaven, forgive our sins, and heal our land.  I do not believe the nation will repent.  But, God does not expect the nation to repent.  Rather, He commands and expects His church to repent - those called by His name.

Here is the prayer:

Prayer for the United States (January 28, 2012)
-Read on the grounds of the White House Ellipse, Wash. D. C.,  October 8, 2012

O Lord, great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant and mercy with those who love Him and who abide in Him, we as a nation, the people of the United States of America, have sinned and have committed iniquity against You.  We have turned from You and have done wickedly and rebelled, even by departing from Your precepts, and by not heeding Your commands – that we love You with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and that we love each other as we love ourselves.

O Lord, all righteousness belongs to You, but to us as a nation, shame of face for turning from Your precepts and Your commands.  We have failed to obey Your voice.

You have endowed to this nation since its inception a multitude of blessings, which include:  prosperity, freedom to speak our mind, and freedom to practice our faith.  But, we have strayed from You and forgotten that You are the source of all these blessings.  We have ignored Your protective hand upon us and have become, in our own hearts, self-reliant and self-important.  We have elected leaders who, in their hearts, do not consider Your counsel or command, and have no recognition of Your divine provision of these blessings upon us.

Yes, the United States as a nation has transgressed against You and has departed so as to not obey Your voice.  Therefore, the hedge of protection You have provided for us is in danger of being removed.  You have sent us harbingers to warn us to turn back to You and to heed Your commands, in recognition of our iniquities as a nation.  We have departed from You and have forgotten Your truth – that You are God, and that You rule in the kingdom of men and give it to whom You will.

And now, O Lord God, who created our nation and has blessed us, we come to You this day and acknowledge that we as a nation have sinned against You by not obeying You, or considering You in our hearts.  We ask that You forgive our nation for its iniquities and help us to turn again toward You.  We ask that You raise up Godly men and women to rule our nation, who will not forget You and who will seek Your counsel in leading our nation to greatness once again.  We do not ask these things because of our own self-righteousness, but because of Your great love and mercy.

O Lord, hear us.  O Lord, forgive us.  O Lord, act and do not delay for Your own sake on behalf of this nation which You created to obey your voice, and to be blessed and be great, and to be a friend of Israel.  We, your people whom You have called, ask these things of You, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen.

2013 - True Believer

To check out my other blogs, please navigate through my Blog Archive.

Monday, March 4, 2013

The Heavens are Signaling a Major Economic Collapse in 2015 (OR 2016?) -- Make Ready (Updates)

In an earlier blog concerning a coming tetrad of blood moons (please visit my December 15, 2012 blog: Significant Mid-East Event Likely in 2014 -- The Moon is Giving a Sign), I discuss how a very rare approaching tetrad of blood moons in 2014-15 may signal the beginning of Daniel's 70th week and/or a war in the Middle East involving the nation of Israel in 2014-15.

In this present blog, I describe additional celestial events which are to occur during 2013-2015 which likely signal significant economic events coming soon to the world stage. 

A first recently discovered comet is making its way toward the inner solar system.  This comet, known as comet ISON, may by Thanksgiving holiday (late November) of 2013 be so bright as to be visible in the sky during both day and night.  If it shines as predicted, it will be one of the brightest objects in the night sky -- at times brighter than the full moon.  Potentially, it could be the brightest comet since the Great Comet of 1680.

UPDATE II:  After rounding the sun in its orbit on November 28, 2013, the corona from the comet appears to have greatly diminished.  Thus, it will probably not be the show of the century that was first predicted.

In the secular world, comets have historically been perceived as harbingers of doom.  The larger the comet, the larger the doom.  In God's word, the word "hosts" in verse 12 of Isaiah 45:11-12 has been interpreted to include comets, and is one of God's ways of announcing Himself to man.  Comet ISON is supposed to be quite large and spectacular.  Is God announcing a coming judgment?

A second recently discovered comet (C/2013 A1 Siding Spring) is heading toward a possible collision with the planet Mars on or about October 19, 2014.  Whether or not a collision will occur cannot be determined until late summer 2013.  If there is a collision, it will likely leave a crater several hundred miles wide on the surface of Mars.  Telescopes from earth, and the space telescope orbiting earth, will no doubt be able to see a visible explosion from the impact.  Earth is safe whether the comet hits Mars or not, but wonders in the heavens would be on display.

UPDATE I:  Scientists have determined that comet Siding Spring will most likely not hit Mars on or about October 19, 2014 and will most likely miss Mars, but only by about 84,000 miles.  This is merely 1/3 the average distance between the earth and the moon.  Close, but not a hit.  Does this signify that it is not yet time for God's judgment (not a direct hit by the comet), but time for His judgment is very close (comet to pass relatively close to Mars)? Time will tell.

UPDATE IV:  The comet passed within 87,000 miles of the planet Mars early today, October 19, 2014.  Scientists describe this close encounter between a comet and a planet as "an extremely rare event."  I believe it signifies God's close approaching judgment on the world system.

The planet Mars is called Ma'adim in Hebrew, which means "turning red" and is associated with judgment.  A comet is also typically associated with judgment.  So, for the comet to strike Mars, it may be interpreted as God's coming judgment of "turning red" things on earth.  In the words of Rev. 14: 19-20"So the angel thrust his sickle into the earth and gathered the vine of the earth, and threw it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.  And the winepress was trampled outside the city, and blood came out of the winepress, up to the horses’ bridles, for one thousand six hundred furlongs."  This indeed is the coming judgment of God against those gathered against Jerusalem at the Battle of Armageddon.  Perhaps the Almighty is signaling this event, and associated judgment, is not far off.

Prior to this last-day judgement, however, the Book of Revelation discusses other coming events, initiated by God, which will cause blood (a "turning red") to manifest in nature (e.g., the sea turned to blood in the 2nd Trumpet judgment of Rev. 8: 8; the sea and waters turned to blood in 2nd and 3rd Bowl/Vial judgments of Rev. 16: 3-7) 

Additionally, during the years 2014-15 there will be four blood moons and two solar eclipses, depicted above.  All of these events will occur on Biblical (Israel) holy days.  My prior blog discusses the four blood moons.  The dates and corresponding holy days for the two solar eclipses are as follows:
  • Total solar eclipse - March 20, 2015 - Adar 29 - Abib/Nissan 1 (1st month of the Biblical New Year, begins on 1st of Abib/Nissan) 
  • Partial solar eclipse - September 13, 2015 - Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah, on Tishri 1 which begins 7th Biblical month of Tishri), the Day of Atonement/Coverings (Yom HaKippurrim, on Tishri 10), and Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot, on Tishri 15-22) 
According to Jewish rabbis, a blood moon (lunar eclipse) represents a coming judgment by God against the people of Israel, while a solar eclipse represents God's coming judgment against the Gentile nations.  For these four blood moons and two solar eclipses, each coming on a Biblical feast day, or notable day on the Biblical calendar, to occur in a two year period (2014-15) is quite extraordinary.

In the Book of Genesis, Moses wrote that God gave us the sun, the moon and the stars for "signs" and "seasons", as well as for light.  The Hebrew word (אוֹת - oht) translated as "sign" can also mean "signal."  The Hebrew word (מוֹעָדִים - moed) translated as "season" or "feast" literally means "appointed time."  (See, Gen 1: 14)  So, as depicted in the image above, God seems to be sending us a blinking beacon of "signals" that an "appointed time" is upon us.  A unique time in history.

It appears as though these rare celestial events put in motion by God place a "bull's eye" on 2015, signalling a warning of severe judgment against the nations of the world -- possibly, the beginning of Daniel's 70th week.  At a minimum, it may very well be a year of major economic catastrophy.  Coupled with the two solar eclipses in 2015 is the fact that 2015 is a Biblical shmita year (a sabbath 7th year described in Leviticus Chapt 25), as was 2008 (U. S. economy and stock market melt-down in September 2008), and as was 2001 (September 11th event and a September 2001 U.S. stock market single-day crash).

If this shemitah pattern repeats in 2015, then look for the U.S. stock market, and perhaps many world markets, to decline significantly beginning on or about September 14, 2015 and continuing into October 2015.  September 14, 2015 is the Feast of Trumpets (Tishri 1 on the Biblical calendar).  On this same Biblical date of Tishri 1, the severe stock market declines of September 2001 and September 2008 occurred.

Update VI:  The US stock market fell sharply during the last week of August 2015 and then recovered only to decline again in late September of 2015.  However, no great crash occurred in 2015.  But, 2016 is acknowledged by many to be a year of Jubilee, according to God's calendar, which could make 2016 (and not 2015) God's shemitah year of debt cleansing.  If this is true, then the US stock market, and world stock markets, should decline severely in the shemitah Jubilee year of 2016 with a final wipe out coming in late September and early October 2016, which would be the shemitah and the end of the Jubilee year.  Time will tell.

I believe that by all these celestial signals, including the coming tetrad of blood moons, God is giving us a "two minute warning" regarding the beginning of Daniel's 70th week, which cannot be far off.  The revealing of the anti-Christ is just over the horizon, with Jesus' return and the rapture of the church occurring only 3 1/2 years afterwards.  Yes, the church will go through tribulation to be refined and purified. (See my earlier blog which discusses, based solely on scripture, that there will be no pre-tribulation rapture of the church.)

Luke 21:25 states:

And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring ...

In Joel 2: 30-31, it is written:

And I will show wonders in the heavens ... The sun shall be turned into darkness, And the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of the LORD.

Mark 13: 35-37 records Jesus discussing with His disciples "end time" events, wherein He tells them, "Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming - in the evening, at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morning - lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping.  And what I say to you (his disciples) I say to all (includes us today) - Watch!"  (Emphasis added)

UPDATE IIIIn my blog from August 2013 regarding that it is time for repentance by the house of God, I discuss how God is now judging America, and will judge EVERY NATION that turns from God (implying that such a nation, as was ancient Israel, was once a God-fearing nation). (Jer 18:7-11) God does not change.

UPDATE V:  In my more recent blog from October 2014, I was once again led by the Holy Spirit of God to plead with those with ears to hear that God is INDEED beginning to judge America and that time is getting short.  But, judgement will begin first in the church, the house of God, as it says in 1 Peter 4:17.  The biggest problems in the church today are sin and deception.  Those who say they have no sin are liars and only deceive themselves (1 John 1:8).  John is speaking to Christians -- not to heathens.  Repentance is necessary for forgiveness and cleansing by Jesus, who does so freely to those who ask. (1 John 1:9)  

Deception is being brought by God Himself upon casual Christians -- to those who do not know the truth (2 Thes 2:11-12; i.e., never read their Bible) and therefore have no love for the truth or a strong desire to seek the truth for themselves. They are being taught on "Christian" TV, and in their churches by weak pastors, that once saved a Christian has no need to repent or seek forgiveness from God for any sin.  Ask yourself -- why did John plead so fervently with fellow CHRISTIANS to repent when he wrote his letter to them (see 1John 1:8) if it were unnecessary for them to repent and seek forgiveness?  Why does Peter write, to CHRISTIANS, that we are to be holy as God is holy and to pursue holiness in our daily life? (1 Peter 1:14-24)  God does not waste words.

The "time of trouble" spoken of throughout the Old Testament is indeed just around the corner.  It is time to repent and to prepare your heart to seek the Lord to escape things to come and to be hidden in the time of trouble.  (Psalm 27: 5; Zeph 2: 3; Rev 3:10)
2013 - True Believer

To check out my other blogs, please navigate through my Blog Archive.