Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Danger of Chrisitan "Righteousness" -- Do Not Deceive Yourself

I was praying to the Father this morning for understanding of His word and for guidance.  Before I prayed, I was thinking of reading through parts of 1 Corinthians for guidance in my life regarding how to help purify myself as He is pure.  (See, 1 John 3: 3)

I was paging through the Bible to get to 1 Corinthians, and as I came to the Book of Ezekiel I heard God tell me to read Chapter 33 of Ezekiel.  From memory, I did not recall specifically what was in that Chapter.  After reading through verse 20 of Chapter 33 it became clear what the Father wants me to do today, which is to write this blog for all who have ears to hear in regard to what the Father wants those who call themselves Christians to hear and understand.  Please read on.

In Ezekiel 33, after discussing the responsibilities of a watchman, which I believe I am, God's word very simply sets forth a principle of righteousness to be followed, which is as applicable today as it was in the days of Ezekiel.  Jesus is the word of God (John 1: 1) who NEVER changes (Heb 13: 8).  Do not be tricked into believing that whatever God said in the Old Testament has no application, or not much application, today.  His principles on righteousness NEVER change.

God says in Ez 33: 12-20 that in the day of judgment the self righteousness of those who say they are righteous SHALL NOT DELIVER THEM.  This means that if you consider yourself a Christian, you cannot simply relax ("pine away", verse 10) in saying or believing that you are righteous, without living a righteous life.  Of course, one must obtain the righteousness of God given to you by grace through your acceptance and belief in what Jesus did on the cross.  But, a true Christian must be ACTIVE, not relaxed, in working out his/her salvation (Phil 2: 12) through good works (Eph 2: 10; James 2: 14) and doing what is right on a DAILY basis (Luke 9: 23).

You cannot fool God.  God looks at the heart (1 Sam 16: 7) and not pretense.  If your heart is set on trying to get away with a little evil here or there and think to yourself that it's OK since you are saved by grace, YOU ARE DECEIVING YOURSELF.  This is not a pleasant message to hear -- for myself or for you who are reading this.  But this is the message that God wants us to know and understand.  It is how he feels about sin.  He HATES sin.

God understands that we will fail.  When we do fail we are to ask for forgiveness, which will be granted freely (1 John 1: 9) and we are to turn from such ways.  If we continue failing in the same areas in our life:  anger, theft, disobeying authority, adultery, covetousness, etc. one must seriously consider several things:

  1. Am I truly born again?
  2. If I am, then why am I continuing, perhaps habitually, in sinful behavior in certain areas of my life?
  3. Have I asked Jesus to forgive me, with a heart-felt understanding that I am wrong and have sinned?
  4. Am I actively trying on a daily basis to deny what I want and to purify myself, my life, the things I do and say, to become more like Jesus?
  5. Am I unaware or deceived into believing that I can continue in sin without consequence?
As God says very clearly in Ez 33: 13, do not trust in your own righteousness, the things you are doing well, to save you if you continue in sin without much regard for its consequences.  As we learn in the New Testament, Jesus forgives our sins, but then asks us that we "go and sin no more."  (See John 8: 11, in regard to the story of the woman caught in the very act of adultery)

If you are a born again believer, your DUTY is purify yourself EVERY DAY to become more like Jesus while you are on this earth.  It is a struggle (Mat 7: 14, the "narrow way" is difficult), but God gives the Holy Spirit freely to all who ask (Luke 11: 13) to help us to overcome sin.  In the Holy Spirit we have the strength of Jesus IN US to help us overcome sin.  Jesus lived not as God on earth, but as a man.  He emptied himself of being God (Phil 2: 6-8) to live on earth and operated as a man solely under the power of the Holy Spirit to help him overcome sin.  Jesus' life on earth is a model of how God wants EACH of us to live.  You should reread the 4 Gospels and focus on how Jesus lived His life in the face of all adversity and sinful temptation.  He followed the Father's desires (known today to us through His word) AT ALL TIMES AND IN EVERY SITUATION.

This too is our daily goal.  Do not live your life without being mindful of these things.  Do you spend more time making sure your computer is free of harmful viruses than you do making sure your soul is free of harmful sin?

I pray that God opens the eyes of your heart to see more clearly His desire for you to be perfect, as He is perfect, through the power of the Holy Spirit which is in you.

2013 - True Believer

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