Saturday, September 23, 2017

The Lord Jesus Will Be Our Entire Government

God has been placing Is 33 upon my heart for the past 6 months or so.  I have read it, and read it, and read it, but was not sure why. 

As we know, revelation of God’s word for scriptures He wants us to read comes sometimes immediately, and otherwise only after repeated reading and meditating and praying, or otherwise we may still not be sure of what he’s trying to tell us.

Today however, while reading Is 33 once again, verse 22 “jumped out” at me immediately.  I can’t explain how it hasn’t happened during the past 25 or so times I’ve read it over the past 6 months, but it happened today.  What I saw was, to me as someone having legal training, quite profound and something that I had never considered in its entirety.

In that one verse (Is 33:22), God gives greater detail regarding what is described in less detail in Is 9:6 which says, in pertinent part, that “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder.”  We’re all familiar with that verse in Is 9, since it is often read on Christmas morning during Christian church service.  But, I had never given more though as to what that “government” would be.   So, in essence, Is 33:22 more fully describes that which is somewhat cryptically stated in Is 9:6. 

Simply put, when Jesus returns to earth on the Mount of Olives on some future day (Zech 14:4) and begins His millennium reign from Jerusalem, He will be the world government.  We, His saints, will help Jesus implement and carry out His government, since we will rule and reign with him during his 1,000 year reign (Rev 20:4).  But, Jesus will be the de factor head of all government on earth.  Also, after Jesus returns there will only be one government on earth (Rev 11:15), which will be run by Jesus from Jerusalem.

Jesus will be the head of all three branches of government – judicial, legislative and executive according to Is 33:22, which tells us that He will be our Judge (judicial branch), our Law Giver (legislative branch) and our King (executive branch – head of state).  He will also be our Savior according to Is 33:22, which is something that no earthly monarch, president, legislative body or judiciary could ever be.

How wonderful is God to give us simple lessons from His word which give us another small picture of His infinite glory and majesty.  Jesus will be, forever, our righteous king who reigns justly.  As Ps 89:14 tells us, “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of God’s throne.”  Amen.  Come Lord Jesus. 

Time is short.  Repent, and prepare your heart for God. 

2017 - True Believer 

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