Friday, April 13, 2018

Regarding the Woman Caught in the Very Act of Adultery - Was Jesus' Writing in the Earth a Prophecy Fulfilled?

In John 8 we read how on one occasion Jesus was confronted by the scribes and Pharisees while he was teaching the people in the temple.  They brought to him a woman who they claimed had been caught "in the very act" of adultery and asked him (in an attempt to test him so they might bring a charge against him) whether such a woman should be stoned to death in accordance with the law given by Moses.  John tells us that " Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground.  And as they continued to ask him about her, he stood up and said to them, "Let him who is without sin among you be the first to cast a stone at her." (vv. 6-7) 

I and many others have wondered why Jesus wrote on the ground in this situation and what he was writing.  I cannot say with absolute certainty, but perhaps this situation is explained as a prophecy given in Jeremiah 17, where it states that the LORD (God) is the hope of all of Israel, and that all who turn away from Him shall be written in the earth, for they have forsaken the Lord. (v. 13)  

This single verse in Jeremiah appears to support a notion that Jesus, as some say, was writing with his finger in the dirt the names of those accusers who were present, most likely the Pharisees, who were accusing the woman of the crime and essentially insisting that Jesus sentence her to death by stoning or they would bring charges against Jesus if he did not enforce the law of Moses.

However, as Jesus did often, he turned the tables on the accusers and brought their "wisdom" to nothing by giving them the perfect interpretation of Moses' commandment to stone such a woman by insisting that only those who had no sin could carry out the sentence.  His interpretation of Moses was perfect in that it considered God's heart which is to give grace to the sinner who repents, as did the woman, and to resist the hypocrisy of sinful accusers who lack love for others and forgiveness.  I believe that after being shamed by Jesus by having their names written in the earth by Jesus for all to see, they dropped their stones and left the scene.

How awesome is Jesus?  

Stay humble, ask for forgiveness and freely forgive others. 

Time is short.  Repent, and prepare your heart for God.

2018 - True Believer 

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