Friday, October 24, 2014

God is Judging America - Severe Judgement Coming Unless Repentance Comes Soon -- Repent & Prepare: Jerimiah 51:7-14 Being Fulfilled

I posted a first message on this subject, for the church of Christ to WAKE UP, in August 2013.  The body of Christ, the church, must take this message to heart NOW, be sober-minded, and seek Him with contrite heart.  Time is short for the church here in America. National elections will be held in two weeks.  But, a political solution to the present situation in our nation is NOT the solution.  God is our only solution. 

Previously, I spoke of increased opposition to all things Christian occurring in this nation.  There is increasing hatred of Christianity.  This hatred is approaching critical mass; now permeating our society and government.  This situation will continue, increase and not end any time soon without repentance.

The church of God, the body of Christ, consists of participants and believers.  Participants attend church once a week (if that often), sing praises to God while at church, go home, go to work, go online, play video games, go shopping, and watch sports.  GOD WANTS AND HONORS BELIEVERS, NOT PARTICIPANTS.  Participants are like unpleasant smoke in His nostrils (Is 65: 5); a luke-warm substance He will spit out of His mouth.  (Rev 3: 16)

A believer is one who sighs and cries/groans (Ez 9: 1-6) seeing all the abominations swirling around us in in America in our ever-darkening anti-Christian, secular society.  A believer sees what is happening and prays intercessory prayers in the name of Jesus for forgiveness of our nation, and for forgiveness as individuals who have missed the mark in their own lives.  Participants do not see the darkness and the changes coming upon us, or if they do notice, they shake their heads (at most) and think, "well, what can I do?"  Participants are NOT believers.  Which are you?

Are you shocked?  Are you outraged?  Do you have a clue?

The prevailing message in the church today spoken each Sunday by church leaders, both pastors and priests, is that God is love and that Jesus loves you.  This is true, but we need more to grow spiritually.  Some leaders are also preaching, falsely, that things will get better soon -- just hang in there.  This is not true.  No such thing will happen without repentance.  Some are preaching the prosperity message of "just claim God's promises that He will make you rich, etc."  This is nonsense.

Jesus said to seek FIRST the kingdom of God, and HIS righteousness, and then (and only then) everything you NEED (not everything you want/covet) will be given to you.  (Mat 6: 33)  The major part of seeking God and His kingdom is personal repentance.  The body of Christ CANNOT change anything without this first step.  In fact, judgment (separating believers from participants) will begin first, and I believe has begun, IN THE CHURCH and will intensify.  (1 Pet 4: 17; Ez 14: 6)

Many of you may not believe this or want to hear this.  WHY NOT?  Could it be because you have been dumbed-down as a Christian through endless sermons on Sundays which never amount to much more than kindergarten basics for Christians?  Such sermons are just "milk", as Paul said. (1 Cor 3: 2)

Do you have faith to survive Ebola?  Do you have faith to survive a nuclear attack?  Do you have faith to survive a famine with the power grid down and/or martial law in place?  Do you have faith to survive tremendous civil unrest, accompanied and caused by food shortages, gasoline shortages, and ATM/bank cash shortages?

Is your heart ready for this?  Because if it is not, PREPARE NOW.

You may wonder why or how God would judge us, America.  After all, God helped establish America.  Right?

Some years ago, I was taught by a great teacher of the bible that "God is not judging America" and that he will never judge America.  His statement was based on his belief that God is not judging individuals these days, since all judgment and punishment for all sin had been placed upon Jesus (which it was).  This teacher also tells us (correctly) that God's grace is upon each of us who have accepted Jesus as our Lord (master), Savior and Redeemer.

BUT, God is indeed judging NATIONS, including America.  (See, Ps 9:17, God tells us that all nations that turn from Him will be sent to hell).  God has been judging nations since nations have existed, including Israel who God likened to the "apple of His eye", and this is a pattern for any nation which once embraced God and His blessings and then turns a calloused eye to Him once prosperity in that nation causes complacency.  God never changes.

Israel (which is an example for us, and for any nation) was constantly judged by God for straying from God.  It is a sin, yes a sin, which God WILL NOT overlook forever.  God does not change.  He is merciful, He warns, He brings increasing judgments, He warns again, He even brings great prosperity after these warnings and judgements because it is the goodness of God that He uses to bring people, HIS people, to repentance.

This verse of scripture is often used as a tool in evangelism to bring a non-believer to accept Christ as Savior and Lord. (Rom 1:18 - 2: 11)  But if you read the entire scripture cited here in its context in the Book of Romans, it tells us that God brings righteous judgment against all who live lives without concern for their sinning and without repentance -- whether they be a non-believer or a "participant" church member.  A true believer knows this, and lives to be holy -- asking for forgiveness and repenting when they miss the mark.  A believer seeks God DAILY and asks that He guide them and counsel them.  A believer trusts in Him on a daily basis in order to live a life seeking God and relying on Him to get through anything that comes along at home, at work, or in traffic.  Indeed, for such a person, God will guide them and get them THROUGH it.  I do NOT say or intimate that God will make sure you never encounter trials or trouble.  Jesus tells us that in the world we WILL have troubles, but we are to remember that He has overcome everything and will help us overcome as well -- if we trust in Him and follow Him. (John 16: 33)

If anyone reading this is unsure of God's heart toward any nation who turns from Him, your uncertainty should be gone.  What God said regarding His judging such nations, as recorded by Old Testament prophets, is also for us today.  God punishes, yesterday and today, all such nations.  (See, also Ez 14: 12-20, regarding God's judgment on a land having persistent unfaithfulness toward Him.)  

In Jer 18: 7-10, God speaks about any nation which sins against Him and the nation which does, or does not, repent of that sin.  Beginning in verse 7 God speaks, "The instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, to pull down, and to destroy it, if that nation against whom I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent of the disaster that I thought to bring upon it.  And the instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it, if it does evil in My sight so that it does not obey My voice, then I will relent concerning the good with which I said I would benefit it." (Emphasis added) 

So, how much more do you think it breaks God's heart to see a nation such as ours turn from Him, a nation that was ONCE UPON A TIME faithful to Him?  A nation, similar to the nation of Israel, which He founded and blessed and has set apart to be a light to the rest of the world?  We indeed have brought light to the world through our sharing of the Gospel, but now we are bringing darkness and death to the world through our sharing of liberal, ungodly moral conduct and values.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, unless we the church, believers and participants, humble ourselves, pray, seek His face and TURN from out wicked ways God has NO CHOICE but to judge our nation and to destroy it.  He is just and must bring justice. 

Read Jer 51: 7-14.  This describes America's destruction, as does much of Jer 50 and 51.  Read Rev 18.  This describes America's destruction.  So does Is 47.  There are more scriptures also describing the coming destruction, but these portions of scripture give specific clarity.  America IS the Mystery Babylon of Rev 18 and the "daughter of Babylon" of Is 47 and Jer 50 & 51.

However, 2 Chron 7: 14 also gives us a way out.  It says that if God's people (the believing church, not the unbelieving ungodly secular individuals, some of whom are leaders of this nation) humble themselves, pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked ways, God will hear us from heaven, forgive our sins and HEAL OUR LAND!

Without the leadership of our nation participating in such repentance by acknowledging these wrong immoral activities, putting an end to them and requesting God's forgiveness, the church must "go it alone" and be strong in its repentance, seek Ps 91 protection, and request that our nation's leaders also acknowledge the need for a national repentance -- to save our nation.  But, those of God's true church of believers, the Philadelphia church of Rev 3, are the only ones promised an escape from coming judgment. (Rev 3: 10)  I am NOT talking about a mythical "pre-tribulation rapture" of the church.  This is not Biblical nor promised by God. (See my blog regarding no pre-tribulation rapture, based on scripture which disproves such a myth.)

Jesus said that we should be watchful, vigilant, and "pray to escape the things that will come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man." (Luke 21: 36)  It is the Philadelphia church of God, true believers who have chosen the narrow and difficult way to live a holy life free from sin and who repent who will be saved.  An unrepentant nation or individual is doomed.  A repentant church of believers (a group of called-out ones of God) will be saved.

Our once-great nation blessed by God Almighty is being scrutinized by the Almighty and is ripe for destruction.  The stench of the immoral ungodly activities of those in our nation, and condoned by our nation's leadership, including many clergy, is clearly in His sight and is reaching, and one may argue has already reached, the breaking point.

In fact, God speaks about a nation, a nation which was once Godly, founded by God, which has turned from God and begun to worship idols.  This nation, a spiritual Babylon, is America.  God has begun the judgement of America with the fall of the World Trade Center twin towers on September 11, 2001.  This is discussed at length by Jonathan Cahn in his book "The Harbinger", and refers to the Is 9: 10 prophecy regarding "the bricks have fallen, etc." and what it portends for America.  If you are unfamiliar with that prophecy, please Google it and investigate for yourself.

In God's continued and increasing judgment, our economy was hit -- in September 2001 and again in September 2008.  Unless we as a nation repent, we will be hit again and MUCH HARDER in September 2015.

Additionally, a part of the prophecy in Jer 51 of the spiritual Babylon which is America is being fulfilled.  In Jer 51: 14, God tells us that he will fill up our nation with men as numerous as locusts who will "raise a shout" against us.  This has begun.  The open border in the southern United States has allowed numerous individuals to enter this nation, who are hell bent on one thing -- the destruction of America.  Whether they come here to cause chaos through beheadings (we have already witnessed this in this nation), through suitcase nuke "dirty bombs", through diseases, through anarchy, etc., we indeed are being filled with people seeking to bring our nation to its knees and to destroy it. 

Now, I can hear some of you thinking that I have gone too far -- that God will never judge our nation and that what I am saying is not only unpatriotic but blasphemous!  Dear reader, I do not apologize for this message.  But, I do want to edify and instruct you and not just pound my proverbial fist and lament over what I see happening in our nation today.

We as individual Christians and members of the Body of Christ are not powerless.  In fact, Jesus only acts for us WHEN WE PRAY TO THE FATHER IN THE NAME OF JESUS that He help us.  We need to pray, to speak to our pastors, to our priests, and to our lay leaders.  Church leadership must shepherd their sheep to repentance and preparation of the heart -- NOW.  Time to prepare, to change hearts, to change the future of our nation, is running out.  Without repentance, God will give us what we deserve -- destruction of this nation and captivity for believer, participant and unbeliever alike.  God will indeed bring a sword (via our own government, or a foreign instrumentality) against this nation -- against believer, participant and unbeliever alike. 

I pray that you seriously consider this message and act accordingly.  Your liberty and freedom to operate peaceably as a Christian in this nation is at risk.  Your life on this earth and the lives of your family members and friends are at risk.


Do this, and God will indeed hear you and help you if you seek Him with all your heart, ask for His forgiveness (which He will graciously give you) and REPENT.

Time is short.

2014 - True Believer

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