Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Coming Assyrian (Muslim) Antichrist -- Part I -- Background & Geographical Origin

This bible study will analyze the various prophecies given by the prophet Daniel and other Old Testament prophets in order to determine the geographic origin, activities, characteristics, timing, purpose and intentions of the coming Antichrist.  This study is broken into three parts which will be published consecutively as a series of three blogs over the span of a few weeks.
In this Part I, we give a brief summary of the overall purpose, analysis and conclusion of our bible study.  We also explore some background information pertaining to the term “antichrist” and give some detailed analysis to determine the geographic origin of the coming Antichrist.

In Part II of our study, we examine the Gog of Ez 38, 39 and how Gog is related to the coming Antichrist.  We also examine various names given in scripture to the coming Antichrist which give clues to his character, origin and other attributes.
In Part III of our study, we examine some of the activities to be carried out by the coming Antichrist, the extent of his reign, God’s purpose for him, the timing of events associated with his coming, and other scriptural references to the coming Antichrist.

Purpose:  This blog is an in-depth Bible study to identify the geographical source, religious alignment, character, and activities of the coming antichrist (hereafter, coming “AC”) who will rise to power quietly then lead a worldwide government which opposes everything Godly and which persecutes those who worship the one true God – the Holy One of Israel, be they Jew or Christian.  The analysis herein is based on prophecies found in the Bible and on historical fact found in secular non-Biblical sources.  We must be vigilant and watchful as current news events around the world reveal to us on an ever-increasing basis that the end time beast government of Rev 13 is beginning to form. 

Analysis - I have compared Biblical prophecies and descriptions about the coming AC with the writings of many Biblical scholars, both of antiquity and of recent vintage, and numerous old and new world maps which indicate the location of various people groups in history relevant to our discussion.  As a result of my study, I have reached some general conclusions regarding the geographic origin of the coming AC, which we will examine below in greater detail.

Summary Conclusion:  The Bible requires that the coming AC is from a certain geographic area, rule over a worldwide government, and carry out various activities. (cf., Dan 2, Dan 7, Dan 8, Dan 9, Dan 11, Micah 5, Rev 13, and Rev 17).  Based on my analysis, I believe the coming AC will originate from a geographic area of the world which was ruled in ancient times under each of the consecutive empires of:  Assyria, the Greeks under Alexander, the Seleucids of the post-Alexander era, and the eastern portion of the Roman Empire.  Today, that geographic area of the world includes the following nations:  Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, and Iran – all of which today have mostly Muslim populations which practice Islam.  Therefore, it is my belief that the coming AC will be a practitioner of Islam -- a Muslim.

Combining an analysis of history with an analysis of Biblical prophecies and descriptions concerning the coming AC, I believe that he will most likely originate from, or be a very direct descendent of someone who originates from, one of the following modern nations:  Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq or Iran.  He will be an individual who hails from the eastern portion of the old Roman Empire, and will most likely be someone who either practices Islam or who sympathizes deeply with those who do.


As partial evidence of this hypothesis, consider Rev 13: 15.  In that verse, God tells us that those who refuse to take the mark of the image of the beast will be killed.  Rev 13: 10 tells us that he who kills with the sword must also be killed with the sword.  Finally, Rev 20: 4 tells us that “the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands” will live and reign with Christ during the 1,000 year reign of Christ on earth. (Emphasis added)

The sword is the Islamist’s weapon of choice and is used to behead infidels.  The sword, or its equivalent, will no doubt be used by the coming AC and loyal Islamic forces to kill by beheading Christians who refuse to bow to him and to take his “mark."
Current Political Environment

  In the United States for the past decade or so there has been an increased variety and amount of federal policies and programs that, regardless of their purported purpose, have resulted in a decrease in individual rights and freedoms – from healthcare reform legislation to mandatory “safety measures” for air travel to prevent terrorism on airplanes.  Americans today are being conditioned and acclimated to increased government intrusiveness in daily life, which is something Americans of generations past would not have tolerated.


Today’s younger Americans, those under age 30, passively accept these negative changes since they have been methodically neutered through “political correctness” which began during their primary school education as children.  This generation is asleep and oblivious to the real issues in the world and would rather play on their “smart phones” and watch sports or celebrity gossip shows while remaining blissfully ignorant and having not much care, concern or understanding of current geopolitical or economic events.  Without a doubt, most of this generation is clueless and unconcerned about what the Bible says about the times in which we live and where we are heading.


Worldwide, we see increasing political and economic chaos enveloping nation after nation around the world.  These chaotic activities will ultimately culminate in wars, political turnover and economic collapse, thereby creating a worldwide “need” for a form of government to ostensibly eliminate those wars, calm the political chaos, and stabilize economic markets.  The only certain outcome of more governmental control, on wherever scale it is implemented, is a decrease of individual freedoms.


The noted Christian lecturer Gary Kah has reached the same conclusion.  He is an outspoken opponent of the Wold Constitution and Parliment Association which promotes a unified world government and worldwide interfaithism (merger of Christianity, Islam and many religions with the false belief that there are MANY paths to God, and that Jesus is not the only way to the Father).  For an interesting 1 hour video of Gary Kah and these concepts, please visit this link. 


The Bible has more to say about the epoch of time in which we now live than any other epoch in human history.  God has warned us through the prophets to make sure that today those of us who have eyes to see and ears to ear have plenty of information to help us discern the times and seasons based on patterns and prophecies in the Bible which are matching up with current events.


We must not sleep.  We must be vigilant and watch.  We must prepare our hearts for the travail which will soon come upon the world.  Hard times are ahead, but God has also given Christian believers plenty of hope and encouragement so we may endure the coming tribulation for the joy He has set before us – to stand before the Son of Man and be rewarded as an overcomer.


For those of you who believe that you need not worry because you will not be here to see the coming AC or the tribulation and hard times he brings because you will escape in a secret pre-tribulation rapture, I strongly advise you to read my blog entitled, “There Will Be No Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church –Here’s Why.”  Better to prepare your heart to endure than to do nothing and be surprised when your hoped-for pre-tribulation rapture does not occur.

The term “Antichrist” in the Bible

Let us first explore the use of the term “antichrist” in the Bible.  The Greek word translated “antichrist” appears in the Bible only in 1 John 2: 18, 22; 1 John 4: 3; and 2 John 1: 7.  In 1 John 2: 18 the Greek word for “antichrist” is preceded by the definite article “the.”  The Greek word transliterated “anti” means “the opposite of” or “in the place of.”  Thus, 1 John 2: 18 is the only verse in the Bible which indicates that “the antichrist” will be a certain individual who will oppose, or claim to be a substitute or replacement for, Christ.  The other usages of the term “antichrist” in 1 John and 2 John are directed generally to anyone in the course of history who has a spirit which opposes Christ.

1 John 2: 18 reads:
“Little children it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour.” (Emphasis added - NKJV)

The Bible gives us many other descriptive titles to the coming AC which provide us information about his geographic origin, intents, attitudes, activities, timing, etc.  These clues are scattered throughout the entire Bible.  It for us to find and study them.

We will investigate in this study many of those descriptive titles and descriptions and will put together many of these clues to form a mosaic which hopefully will give the reader enough detailed information about the coming AC to allow the reader to recognize the AC when he comes on the world scene.

The Geographic Origin of the Coming Antichrist

We begin our analysis of the geographic origin of the coming AC in Daniel 2.  Beginning in verse 31, Daniel tells King Nebuchadnezzar the dream that the King had, and also interprets the dream for him.  In the dream God had shown to the King a great image or statue of a figure, representing present and future earthly kingdoms.  The image had a head of gold, chest and arms of silver, a belly and thighs of bronze (or copper), legs of iron, and feet and toes partly of iron and partly of clay.

Daniel tells the King that the head of gold represented his Babylonian kingdom and that the remaining body parts on the image of differing composition represented kingdoms that would follow Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom.  The feet of the image represented the last earthly kingdom which would exist at the end of time.  During the time of this final kingdom, God would destroy all earthly kingdoms and create an eternal kingdom which would never be destroyed.  We should be familiar with this story in Daniel.

Most Bible teachers tell us that Dan 2 and history teach the following:

1.  Head of gold – Babylonian Empire

2.  Chest and two arms of silver – Median/Persian Empire

3.  Belly and thighs (sides) of brass (copper) – Greek Empire under Alexander the Great

4.  Legs of iron – Roman Empire

5.  Feet and toes of iron and clay – Revived Roman Empire based in Europe

Sound familiar? 

Many Bible teachers over the past 30 years tell us that the revived Roman Empire has already been formed, as evidenced by the birth of the European Union or Commonwealth of European Nations.  But, before we jump on that bandwagon and agree with that analysis of a western Europe revived Roman Empire, let us consider additional information God has given us to determine the origin of the coming AC.

The 10 toes on the feet of the two iron legs of the image of Dan 2 consist of 5 toes on one foot and 5 toes on the other foot of the image.  Since the western portion of the Roman Empire was based in Rome, we would expect five leaders (five toes of the “western” foot of the image) of the coming worldwide government to be from European nations – most likely western European nations.  Similarly, since the eastern portion of the Roman Empire was based in Byzantium in Turkey (the name was changed by Constantine of Rome in 324 AD to Constantinople after he fled Rome) we would also expect five leaders (five toes of the “eastern” foot of the image) of the coming worldwide government to be from Middle East nations which comprised the original eastern portion of the Roman Empire.  Thus, five of the 10 end time government leaders from the west (European nations) and five from the east (mid-east nations).  More on this later.

In Dan 7 we have the vision of the “four beasts” which arise out of the Great Sea.  The first beast is described as being like a lion having eagles wings on its back which are then plucked off, after which the lion is given a man’s heart and was lifted up to stand on its two feet like a man.  The second beast is described as being like bear which is raised up on one side and has three ribs in its mouth, after which it is told to arise and devour much flesh.  The third beast is described as being like a four-headed leopard having four wings of a foul on its back.

Many teach, incorrectly, that the first three beasts of Daniel’s vision in Dan 7 (the lion, the bear and the leopard) represent the same ancient kingdoms represented by the head of gold, the chest/arms of silver, and the belly/thighs of bronze, respectively, of the great image of Dan 2.  But, Dan 7 shows us that this cannot be true since all four of the Dan 7 beasts must represent end time nations and kingdoms.  Dan 7: 7 teaches that those first three beasts exist contemporaneously with each other and with the end time beast until Jesus returns to establish His Kingdom on earth.  (We will see later that Rev 13 teaches us that these three beasts (nations) will form part of the end time beast government and describe its characteristics.)

Dan 7: 12 reveals that God takes away the dominion of the first three beasts when Jesus returns but also that those three beasts are not destroyed, but they continue “for a season and a time.”  Dan 7: 7 states that the fourth terrible beast “was different from all the beasts that were before it.” (Emphasis added)  The Aramaic word translated “before” (Strong’s 6925) means “in front of” or “before” in a spatial sense.  It does not mean “before” in time.  Dan 7: 12 confirms this, since only the dominion of these beasts is taken away by Christ when He returns.  They are not destroyed but continue during Christ’s reign on earth.  Only the fourth beast of Dan 7, the terrible beast representing the end time worldwide AC government, is destroyed when Jesus returns, along with the ancient kingdoms described by the first three kingdoms of the image of Dan 2.  

We see that first three beasts of Dan 7 are contemporaneous with the end time terrible beast worldwide government.  The images of the first three beasts of Dan 7 do not represent historic Babylon, Media/Persia, and Greece.  These three kingdoms were represented by the upper three portions of the great image of Dan 2, but they will be destroyed when Christ returns.  The descriptions of the first three beasts of Dan 7 were given to us in such a way to enable us today to be able to determine that the end time worldwide government is not far off.  When we see all three of these nations arise, we know we are in the end times and that the terrible end time beast kingdom will soon form.

Rev 13 describes how the terrible 7-headed, 10-horned end time beast, which is the same beast as the fourth beast of Dan 7, is a composite of the characteristics of each of the first three Dan 7 beasts.  The first three beasts (nations) of Dan 7 are identifiable by us today (unlike in Daniel’s time, or in history until the 20th century) through the symbols and descriptions used to identify those three beasts.  Based on those descriptions it appears these three beasts are:

(1) The United Kingdom (the lion) having eagle wings (America) being plucked from it (the United States’ 1776 declaration of independence from England);

(2) Germany (the leopard) having four heads (representing three historic fascist Reichs – 1871, 1919 and 1934, and a fourth future Reich) and having four wings of a fowl on its back (two pairs of fowl wings, each representing a Franco-German relationship which existed during each of the two prior world wars; the national bird of France is a rooster); and

(3) Russia (the bear).

Dan 7 shows us that these three kingdoms are contemporaneous end time kingdoms or nations which will have their dominion taken away, but are not destroyed, when Jesus returns and destroys the end time beast (the fourth beast).  These three nations will continue (v.12) for a while (into the millennium).  Since these three kingdoms will continue into the millennium, they must be future kingdoms (future to Daniel’s time) which exist only when Jesus returns.

Dan 7: 17 provides further evidence, and states:  Those great beasts, which are four, are four kings which shall arise out of the earth.” (NIV - Emphasis added)  These are future kingdoms.  The angel is speaking to Daniel during the reign of the Babylonian kings (Dan 7: 1), and since at the time the angel is speaking to Daniel Babylon has already arisen the lion of this prophecy cannot be representative of Babylon but represents a future kingdom to arise on the earth some time after the Babylonian Empire.  Also, from the context of Dan 7 we learn that this fourth beast represents an end time kingdom which shall arise in the last days.  This terrifying end time kingdom will be led by the “little horn” which will seek to harm the saints of God for 3 ½ years before having its dominion taken away forever by God Almighty, and Dan 7: 7 shows us that these other three kingdoms are contemporaneous with it.

Dan 7 also predicts an end time resurgence of fascism (the 4th Reich).  Will it begin and then flourish in Germany, and/or elsewhere -- perhaps America.  As noted above, there have already been three Reichs in German history.  The coming end time fascism will be a main characteristic of the coming worldwide beast government.  Fascism, totalitarianism, tyranny, no freedom -- slavery for the people.

Rev 13: 2 tells us that the coming beast world government (the 4th beast of Dan 7) is first and foremost “like a leopard.”  Thus, the coming worldwide beast government will be fascist. Watch for a growing fascist movement in the world in the coming years as a clear sign that the worldwide government will soon take over.  The fourth Reich will likely begin to coalesce in the not too distant future after a worldwide economic collapse (Please visit my blog: The Heavens are Signaling an Economic Collapse in 2015 -- Make Ready) which will usher in the worldwide government with the support of Germany and the West.  God help us if the cradle of the fourth Reich is America.

Dan 7, 8 and 11 tell us that the worldwide beast kingdom will speak loud proud things (mouth of the lion), be powerful in movement and military strength (feet of the bear), and be totalitarian or fascist in nature (body of the leopard).  As Dan 7 tells us, it will devour, destroy and break in pieces those who oppose it.

Many teach that the 4th beast of the Dan 7 vision is the equivalent of the “revived Roman Empire” they say is represented in Dan 2 by the two feet and 10 toes at the bottom of the two iron legs of the image, where the two feet and 10 toes are comprised of iron mixed with clay.  My reading of Dan 2 and Dan 7 reveals to me a somewhat different analysis. 

I believe the Roman Empire was a “kingdom” represented by the legs of iron of the Dan 2 image and that it followed the Greek Empire “kingdom” represented by the belly/thighs of bronze.  I believe that the feet of toes of the Dan 2 image represent another kingdom, a divided kingdom (Dan 2 : 41) which is both weak and strong and is not the revived ancient Roman Empire kingdom which was not described in Dan 2 as being divided or weak.  As Rome represented by the two iron legs followed Greece as the belly of bronze, so the end time divided beast kingdom will follow Rome as the two legs of iron. 

Dan 2 describes the 10 toes of the image and infers that they represent 10 future kings.  Dan 2: 44 tells us that “in the days of these 10 kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed.”  Dan 2: 41-43 tells us that the feet and toes of the image are partly of iron and partly of miry clay signifying that “this kingdom will be divided, and partly strong and partly fragile, and that they (perhaps fallen angels or demonic influence?; cf. Jer 31: 27 regarding mingling of seed of man and beast) shall will mingle with the seed of men but they will not adhere to one another”, as iron and miry clay will not adhere to one another. (Emphasis added)  We see that the future divided kingdom is the 4th beast of Dan 7 – the coming end time beast government run by 10 rulers and ultimately by the coming AC. 

Rev 13: 1 describes this 7-headed beast as the end time beast which shall dominate the world just before the return of Christ, since Rev 13: 1 states that the 10 kings (10 toes of Dan 2) of the 7-headed beast (the 4th terrible beast of Dan 7) are each given authority (a crown) in the end time context.  Rev 17: 12 confirms that the 7-headed beast is the end time beast, where its 10 horns on the 7-headed beast represent 10 kings who (at the time of John's life) have received no kingdom as yet, but they will receive authority “for one hour as kings with the beast (the coming AC).”  

I believe the 5 toes on one foot of the Dan 2 image represent 5 kings of the coming divided end time kingdom of areas within the original eastern portion of the Roman Empire and the 5 toes on the other foot represent 5 kings of the coming divided end time kingdom of areas within the original western portion of the Roman Empire.  Based on Dan 2, the coming worldwide beast government will be headquartered somewhere within the combined eastern and western geographical boundaries of the original Roman Empire (represented by the two iron legs of the image of Dan 2), but this government will itself be a new end time divided kingdom represented by the two feet and 10 toes of the image of Dan 2, where it will have great strength and also have weakness. 

Scripture shows that the 10 kings will initially rule the coming worldwide beast government during the first half of Daniel’s 70th week (2 Thes 2: 3-4; Rev 13: 5; Rev 17: 12-13; Dan 7: 7-8: Dan 9: 24, 27) before they hand control of the government over to the coming AC during the second half of the week (i.e., the final 3 ½ years before Christ returns).

As mentioned above, many teachers (Christian TV preachers and sellers of Christian prophecy books) tell us that the revived Roman Empire will come from Europe (e.g., the European Union) which is the western portion of the old Roman empire represented by one of the legs of the image of Dan 2.  For the analysis we just completed, I disagree.  Perhaps they forget that the Dan 2 image had TWO legs representing the Roman Empire – a western portion AND an eastern portion.

Most who study the Dan 2 prophecy agree that the two feet and 10 toes made of mixed iron and clay represent an end time empire.  But many forget, or fail to notice, or choose not to notice, that the separation between the two legs of the image, representing a maintained separation of the eastern and western portions of the Empire, is maintained during the last days.  The image illustrates that the two legs maintain their separateness and distinct identity throughout their time in history as two separate legs – one leg “in the west” and one leg “in the east.”

About 100 years ago, Sir Robert Anderson, a renowned early 20th century English authority on Biblical end time prophecies found in the books of Daniel and Revelation, also found problematic a European-centric end time beast masquerading as the “revised Roman empire” as being the supposed fulfillment of the prophecy of the feet and toes of the image in Dan 2.  In one of his writings he had this to say about the Dan 2 vision of the image of Nebuchadnezzar: 

"It has been confidently urged by some that as the ten kingdoms were symbolised by the ten toes of Nebuchadnezzar's image, five on either foot, five of these kingdoms must be developed in the East, and five in the West. The argument is plausible, and possibly just; but its chief force depends upon forgetting that in the prophet's view the Levant and not the Adriatic, Jerusalem and not Rome, is the centre of the world." (Sir Robert Anderson, The Ten Kingdoms)

Based on what we have seen, the Bible tells us that the coming AC will originate from somewhere in the eastern portion of the old Roman Empire.  The eastern portion was headquarted in what is now Istanbul, Turkey.

Daniel 8 Analysis

We must fine tune the location of origin of the coming AC within the area of the eastern portion of the old Roman Empire by considering additional Bible prophecies which are on point.  In Dan 8, we have another vision by Daniel where he sees a two-horned ram being destroyed by a male goat which has a large notable horn between his eyes and which charges quickly toward the ram from the west.  The goat attacks the ram viciously with furious power and knocks the ram to the ground before trampling it.

The vision shows that afterwards the goat becomes strong, but eventually the large horn is broken off and in its place four notable horns arise.  Then out of one of the four horns arises a “little horn” which grows exceedingly toward the south, east, and the Glorious Land (land of Israel). An angel in the vision tells Daniel that the ram represents the kingdom of Media/Persia and the goat represents Greece.  The “little horn” represents a vile person who will arise in the last days from one of the kingdoms represented by the four horns on the goat during the latter time of their kingdoms when transgressors had reached their fullness.

The Dan 8 prophecy illustrates the destruction of the Babylonian Empire by Alexander the Great.  The Dan 8 vision informs us, among other things, the geographical area of the world from which will arise the coming AC.  In this prophecy of the he-goat representing Alexander the Great of Greece, the goat travels quickly towards, slams into and tramples the ram (male sheep) representing the Babylonian Empire.  We know from history that this prophecy was fulfilled in the 4th century BC when Alexander and his Greek army quickly crossed the Middle East and defeated the Median/Persian Empire.

In that prophecy, there is also mention of the four notable horns which arise afterwards, which represent how after Alexander’s death his Empire was split into four major (notable) geographic regions, each led by one of Alexander’s former top generals or associates.  Also in the vision, “out of one of the 4 notable horns” arises a “little horn” which speaks blasphemous things and exalts itself.  This is clearly an image of the coming AC.

An angel explains to Daniel (Dan 8: 17) that the vision refers to the time of the end.  The little horn of the vision of Dan 8 is similar to the little horn of Dan 7 and is given further description in Dan 8 as one who will deceive, destroy God’s people, be cunning, exalt himself, and eventually be destroyed by God.
Another lesson learned from Dan 8 is than the vision can be used to determine the geographic origin of the coming AC.  The angel told Daniel that the little horn arises from one of the four horns of the male goat.  Thus, the coming AC arises out of one of the 4 regions of Alexander’s split empire.

History teaches us that after the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC the Greek Empire split apart.  Each portion was governed as a separate political kingdom having its own small or large geographic footprint within the now defunct Greek Empire.  After some in-fighting among several of those kingdoms in the post-Alexander world, four predominate (notable) kingdoms emerged.  Those four kingdoms and their respective leaders were:

(1) Ptolemy in Egypt;

(2) Lysimachus in Macedonia (modern northern Greece) and western Turkey;

(3) Cassander in Greece (modern southern Greece); and

(4) Seleucus in Asia Minor and Asia (modern eastern Turkey, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and portions of Iran and Afghanistan).  

We must now determine which one these four post-Alexander kingdoms best fulfills the prophecy of Dan 8 and is the geographic area form which the “little horn” will arise in the last days who is the coming AC.  None of these four post-Alexander kingdoms included Western Europe, so for the coming AC to arise from Western Europe from either the European Union or the Commonwealth of European nations, as many teach, would violate the prophecy of Dan 8.

Sir Robert Anderson, who was mentioned earlier in this study, reached the same conclusion regarding the geographic origin of the coming AC in his book, “The Coming Prince”, which was first published in Great Britain in 1894.  On page 191 of the 1977 reprint of his classic work, he states affirmatively:

That Antichrist is to arise from the eastern part of the Roman empire, and from that part of the east which fell under the rule of Alexander’s successors, is rendered unquestionable by this chapter [8 of Daniel]. (Emphasis added)

The Assyrian Connection

According to the Bible, Nimrod of Gen 10 fame was not only from the original Babylon but could be considered an Assyrian since he lived and ruled in Nineveh, which is in the land eventually controlled by the Assyrian Empire which would follow original Babylon.  The Assyrian Empire controlled land within territory which eventually would be controlled by the Seleucid reign after Alexander’s death noted above.

Nimrod was a prototype of the coming AC and was the leader of the first “kingdom” of Babylon.  God did not destroy him, but He thwarted Nimrod’s efforts to unite all peoples into a worldwide government bent on challenging God’s authority.  God confused their common langue when they were building the tower of Babel in their pride to show how great they were.  Babel means “confusion” and God confused their language so they were dispersed throughout the world and could not continue united against Him.

A review of Dan 2, Dan 8, Micah 5 and other scripture, places a bull’s-eye on the land of the ancient Assyria Empire as the ethnic origin of the coming AC.  He will be the final “Assyrian king” who will be the leader of the final world government.  We must now determine the geographic area in the modern world that corresponds to that part of the world once controlled by ancient Assyria.

Below are several maps which identify the approximate geographical territory of the largest extent of the ancient Assyrian Empire in the early 7th century BC.  Also included is a map which shows the modern borders of nations in the Middle East. 

Based on my review of these and other maps, both old and new, which show the extent of the Assyrian Empire at various times in its history, the largest geographical area it encompassed occurred sometime between 650-625 B.C.  As can be seen in the map below, at that time the area of the Assyrian Empire included:  eastern Turkey, land to the southern slope of the Caucasus Mountains (Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan), Lebanon, Syria, Jordon, Iraq, Kuwait, western Iran,  northern Saudi Arabia, and Egypt (along the Nile valley eastward and including the Sinai peninsula).  All of this area today is ground zero for the Islam religion, with small pockets of Christianity spread throughout that region.

As shown in the maps, the ancient city of Nineveh, one-time home of Nimrod and the capital of the Kingdom of Assyria, was located in modern Iraq just across the Tigris River from the modern city of Mosul.  Its ruins are found on a plain of land located between the Tigris River and the Khosr River which is a tributary to the Tigris River.

During the days of ancient Nineveh the Khosr River ran directly through the center of Nineveh.  Nineveh was surrounded by a protective wall which also came right up to the bank of the river Khosr.  In its prime, Nineveh was one of the largest cities in the world and was an important commercial center located along an ancient trade route which ran from the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea. 

Perhaps when Micah 5: 5 is fulfilled (when the coming AC ventures into the land of Israel) it will bring about the fulfillment of the prophecy of Ez 17/Jer 49 (when the city of Damascus is destroyed by Israel or another nation – a sword against Assyria, land of Nimrod at its entrances).  Time will tell.

In summary, the coming AC will arise from or be a close descendant of people of that are from a geographic area previously controlled by the eastern portion of the old Roman Empire, the Seleucid Empire, and the ancient Assyrian Empire.  More evidence of a future Assyrian AC is found in Rev 17. 

In Rev 17: 10 an angel tells the apostle John that the 7-headed beast which appears before him (also described in Rev 13) represents 7 kings (kingdoms).  He says that, "Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come."  The angel is speaking to John in approximately the year 90 AD.  At that time in world history 5 major world kingdoms had come and gone:

(1) Egypt (others would suggest ancient Babylon under Nimrod, instead of Egypt, was the first true world empire);

(2) Assyria;

(3) Babylon (or neo-Babylon);

(4) Media/Persia; and

(5) Greece.

One world kingdom (the Roman Empire) existed at the time of John, and one world kingdom had not yet come (the future divided worldwide kingdom of the coming AC, illustrated by the feet and 10 toes of mixed iron and clay in the great image of Dan 2 and the 7-headed, 10-horned beast of Dan 7 and Rev 13, 17).  As we discussed, the future divided kingdom will initially be ruled by 10 rulers (the 10 toes/horns of Dan 2: 42; Dan 7: 24; Rev 13: 13; and Rev 17:10, 12, 13).  These rulers will then give complete control of the divided kingdom to the coming AC, who emerges from among the 10 kings (Dan 7: 8) and subdues three of them. (Dan 7: 8, 20, 24)  

The Bible tells us that the coming AC worldwide government will itself be an 8th beast (Rev 17: 11) and "is of" or "is from among" the seven which preceded it.  I believe that the head which appears to be mortally wounded (Rev 13: 3, 14) represents the kingdom of ancient Assyria.  In the last days we will come to learn that Assyria was never destroyed, though it appeared to have been for the past several thousand years.  The geographic area of ancient Assyria will be the origin and power base of the coming AC.

We now turn to Dan 9 for confirmation of our coming Assyrian AC analysis.

Daniel 9 Analysis

Dan 9: 26 gives us more clues regarding the geographic origin of the coming AC.  Among other things, that verse discusses the timing and description of various events which have already occurred in history, including:  the decree issued by King Artaxerxes of the Media/Persian Empire which ordered the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the temple; the public appearance of Jesus the Messiah as King on a Palm Sunday in Jerusalem when He rode in on a donkey amongst cheering crowds only days from his crucifixion; and the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in 70 AD. 

Most importantly for our purpose, Dan 9: 26 gives provides a clue as to the geographic ethnicity of the coming AC who is described in this verse as the infamous coming “prince” of the people who were prophesied to destroy Jerusalem and the temple.  As noted, Jerusalem and the temple were destroyed in 70 AD.  Who and from where were those who actually carried out that destruction?

Many teach that this coming “prince” of the people who destroyed Jerusalem must be from western Europe -- from the western portion of the old Roman Empire which was based in Rome.  They base this analysis on their conclusion that the people who destroyed Jerusalem and the temple in 70 AD were Romans from Rome, and thus were western Europeans.  They find further support for this conclusion in view of the Dan 2 image which has the two legs of iron – representing the eastern and western portions of the old Roman Empire.  They conclude that the geographic area of land represented by the “western” leg of iron of the image will give rise to the coming AC.  For reasons previously stated, I believe such an analysis is flawed, and thus such a conclusion is erroneous.

Let us take a look at historical secular records which help us identify the "people" who destroyed Jerusalem and the temple.  Once we identify those people, we will know their origin and thus the origin of the coming AC, the coming prince of Dan 9: 26.  We will also examine whether Jewish orthodox teaching is correct which states that this verse describing a coming "prince" was fulfilled in the 2nd century BC by Antiochus Epiphanes IV.

In pertinent part, Dan 9: 26-27 reads as follows:

(v. 26) “And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself; and the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary.  The end of it shall be with a flood, and till the end of the war desolations are determined.

(v. 27) Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; but in the middle of the week he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering; and on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, even until the consummation, which is determined, is poured out on the desolate.”

(NKJV – Emphasis added)

We can see in these two verses the reference made to the “people” and the coming “prince” of those people.   Most Bible teachers agree that this coming “prince” is the coming AC who was previously mentioned herein in reference to Dan 8: 9, 23 (the “little horn”; and the “king having fierce features.”)

Let us analyze the identity of the “people” who carried out the destruction.

In Dan 9: 26, the Hebrew word translated “prince” may be better translated in this context as a “ruler” or “leader” (Strong’s 5057), since there is no required association of royalty with the Hebrew word.  This notion is confirmed in Dan 11: 21 which refers to the coming AC and states that to him “they will not give the honor of royalty.” (Emphasis added)  So, the coming AC will not be a true king having royalty but will likely have a high title or position of authority in a secular government.

As an aside, some Jewish teachings and commentary on the Old Testament (Rahsi) suggest that the Messianic references in Dan 9: 26 regarding he who is “cut off” refer to King Agrippa (A.D. 27-93) of Judea and not to Jesus the Messiah.  Such an interpretation appears faulty even for reasons based strictly on historical grounds.  My research indicates that King Agrippa actually helped Rome to destroy the temple in 70 A.D. and that he did not die until 93 AD which was 23 years after the temple was destroyed.  Obviously, Agrippa was not “cut off” prior to or during the destruction of the temple.  Therefore, for the remainder of our analysis of the coming AC, we will assume that Jesus is indeed the Messiah figure referred to in Dan 9: 26 who was cut off.

Interestingly, in a short hand written note by a 109 year old, well respected Orthodox Jewish man, Rabbi Yitzhak Kadur, prior to his death in January 2006 alludes to the identity of the soon-coming Messiah.  It is said that the Rabbi had often mentioned that the Messiah was going to come soon.  The note, written in the rabbi’s handwriting, is translated as:  "he will raise the people and confirm that his word and law are standing", which by an acronym formed from the Hebrew words used in this message suggests the name "Yehoshua" as the name of the coming Messiah.  We know of such a person as Jesus.

Apparently, the rabbi had asked that the note not be read until one year after his death.  It was posted to a website for the Jewish community and subsequently removed after the discovery of the allusion to Jesus being the Messiah.  I am certain this note by such an esteemed orthodox Jewish rabbi, who dedicated his entire life to study of the Torah, has caused no small stir in the Orthodox Jewish community.

The Jewish Rashi also interprets the “prince” that is to come of Dan 9: 26 as being the Roman monarch Titus of Rome since it was “Roman” soldiers who destroyed Jerusalem and the temple.  (This is the same conclusion reached by some Christian teachers, as we discussed previously, that those who destroyed Jerusalem were Roman and European.)  They reason that the “people” are Roman soldiers since the “prince” of those soldiers was Titus of Rome.  However, we have already shown that by letting scripture interpret scripture the coming “prince” is not of royalty.  Additionally, we will see below that the “people” who actually destroyed the temple were not Romans from Rome, but were conscripts from lands conquered by Rome and used by the Roman army to do some of their dirty work.
In writing about the destruction of the Temple, the historian Tacitus writes:

''Early in this year Titus Caesar, who had been selected by his father to complete the subjugation of Judea ….  He found in Judea three legions, the 5th, the 10th, and the 15th, all old troops of Vespasian’s. To these he added the 12th from Syria, and some men belonging to the 18th and 3rd, whom had withdrawn form Alexandria (Egypt). This force was accompanied by twenty cohorts of allied troops and eight squadrons of cavalry, by the two kings Agrippa and Sohemus, by the auxiliary forces of king Antiochus, by a strong contingent of Arabs, who hated the Jews with the usual hatred of neighbors, and lastly, by many persons brought from the capital and from Italy by private hopes of securing the yet unengaged affections of the Prince. With this force Titus entered the enemy's territory, preserving strict order on his march, reconnoitering every spot, and always ready to give battle. At last encamped near Jerusalem.'' (Emphasis added)

This gives evidence that the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple was carried out in large part by Roman conscription soldiers who were Syrians, Egyptians, and Arabs.  They clearly were not of western European descent.

The Jewish secular historian Josephus writes:

''Hereupon some of the deserters, having no other way, leaped down from the wall immediately, while others of them went out of the city with stones, as if they would fight them; but thereupon they fled away to the Romans. But here a worse fate accompanied these than what they had found within the city; and they met with a quicker dispatch from the too great abundance they had among the Romans, than they could have done from the famine among the Jews; for when they came first to the Romans, they were puffed up by the famine, and swelled like men in a dropsy; after which they all on the sudden overfilled those bodies that were before empty, and so burst asunder, excepting such only as were skillful enough to restrain their appetites, and by degrees took in their food into bodies unaccustomed thereto. Yet did another plague seize upon those that were thus preserved; for there was found among the Syrian deserters a certain person who was caught gathering pieces of gold out of the excrements of the Jews' bellies; for the deserters used to swallow such pieces of gold, as we told you before, when they came out, and for these did the seditious search them all; for there was a great quantity of gold in the city, insomuch that as much was now sold [in the Roman camp] for twelve Attic [drams], as was sold before for twenty-five. But when this contrivance was discovered in one instance, the fame of it filled their several camps, so that the deserters came to them full of gold. So the multitude of the Arabians, with the Syrians, cut up those that came as supplicants, and searched their bellies. Nor does it seem to me that any misery befell the Jews that was more terrible than this, since in one night's time about two thousand of these deserters were thus dissected.'' (Emphasis added)

Recent research from Walid Shoebat and Joel Richardson provides:

''Indeed, the majority of the ''Roman'' soldiers that destroyed Jerusalem were Arabs, Syrians and Turks. When we look at the four Roman legions that were under Titus during the siege against Jerusalem, we see that they were from the Eastern portion of the Empire and were primarily from Syria or eastern Turkey. Below are the four legions that were under Titus during the Jewish Roman war and the location that history records for their garrisons:

Legion X Fretensis:  Turkey, Syria

Legion 15 Apollinaris:  Syria

Legion 12 Fulminata:   Melitene: Eastern Turkey, Syria

Legion 5 Macedonica:  Moesia: Serbia, Bulgaria

These four legions were all involved in the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple. The legion X, or tenth legion, in particular was the group which went through the wall breach and set fire to the Temple. It was this particular legion that actually pulled down the entire Temple and made the Temple Mount its new base.  It should be pointed out that each legion was composed of several smaller ''cohorts.''

Below is a list of the actual cohorts that comprised the X, or tenth, legion and where they originally came from:

A. Thracum: Syria (Syrians)

B. IV Cohort Thracia: Bulgaria and Turkey (Turks)

C. Syria Ulpia Patraeorum: Petra in Edom (Nabatean Arabs)

            D. IV Cohort Arabia (Arabs)

Again, these were a mixture of Syrians, Turks and Arabs. While the people who destroyed the temple were indeed Roman citizens, they were not primarily Europeans or Italians, but rather the peoples that lived in Syria and Eastern Turkey during the first century. This verse is concerned with the heritage and lineage of the people as restricted by the text ''people of the Prince'' and not their allegiance to Rome. This is why the text is written in this way. It insists in this connection. Once again, the Bible has led us to the same region. In context, the ''people of the prince'' are simply the people of the Antichrist; the Hebrew ''Am'' for people is persons, members of one’s people, compatriots, countrymen, kinsman and kindred. (Strong's 5971)” (Emphasis added)

From these sources, we conclude that the “people” of the prince who is to come in Dan 9: 26 who caused most of the destruction to the city of Jerusalem and the temple were mostly Arabs, Syrians, and Turks, all of who are from the eastern portion of the Roman Empire.  These ethnic groups hated the Jewish nation and would have taken pleasure in sacking Jerusalem and the temple.  No doubt, that is why the Roman general Titus used their services. 

In Christian teaching, it is commonly accepted that the coming “prince” of Dan 9: 26 corresponds to the coming AC.  This is based on what Jesus told His disciples, as recorded in Mat 24: 15, that they were to watch for the coming Abomination of Desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet.  Jesus was obviously referring to the reference in Dan 9: 26-27 of the coming "prince" who is to set up the Abomination of Desolation.  If Antiochus Epiphanes IV had fulfilled this prophecy in Daniel almost 200 years earlier, Jesus would not have referred to it as being a future end time event to occur just prior to His return to earth.  Therefore, I will dispense with an analysis of the word translated “prince” from the Hebrew word pronounced “naw-gid” (Strong’s 5057) and an analysis of what the Jewish Rashi has to say on the subject. 

Suffice it to say that the word “naw-gid” means a ruler or leader, rather than a prince having royalty.  This fits perfectly with Dan 11: 21 which says that the coming “vile person” will not be given the honor of royalty.

Dan 9: 27 uses Hebrew words and idioms which are apparently difficult to translate clearly and succinctly into English.  Note the variation of interpretations of various English words and phrases used in this verse among the various extant English versions of the Bible (e.g., the KJV, the NKJV, the NIV, the Amplified version, etc.)  For the purpose of our analysis, to obtain a perhaps more accurate and useful interpretation, I chose to take a look at Rashi commentary on this subject.

Below is an English interpretation of Dan 9: 27 highlighted with Rashi commentary:

(v. 27) “And he will strengthen a covenant for the princes for one week;”

(Note:  The Rashi indicates this refers to many princes of Israel, but I would suggest it is not limited to a rulers of Israel and may refer instead to a group of nations which includes the nation of Israel)

“And half the week he shall abolish sacrifice and the meal offering; and on the wing (on high), among abominations (detestable things), will be the abomination which makes desolate (the dumb or silent one); until destruction and extermination befall the one making desolate (the dumb one / silent one).”

(Emphasis added – Note mine – Words in parentheses from the Rashi)

The Rashi is helpful here in interpreting this difficult verse by giving the following commentary on some of the Hebrew words and phrases used:

-          the abomination which makes desolate is referred to as the “dumb one”, which is a pejorative phrase referring to pagan deities

-          abominations are disgusting, detestable things

-          “wing” refers to a high place, like the height of a flying bird

-          the abomination will continue until it is destroyed in the days of King Messiah

-          at that time, total destruction will fall upon the dumb one (the image of the pagan deity), and upon its worshipper

So, what exactly is this “dumb” one or “silent” one?  The Hebrew word translated “dumb” means silent or unable to speak.  In 1 Cor12: 2, Paul writes to gentile believers in Corinth and uses a similar description by referring to “dumb idols” that they, as gentiles, used to worship.   The Greek word used by Paul for “dumb” likewise denotes silent, or an inability to speak.  It appears then that the thing referred to in Dan 9: 27 is some sort of idol for a false deity which will be set up in the temple in Jerusalem by the coming AC.

In Dan 11: 31 and Dan 12: 11, the same Hebrew words are again used to describe this detestable idol which the coming AC, or his false prophet sidekick, is going to set up for worship.

Jesus commented on this abominable thing, as recorded in Mat 24: 15 as follows:

“Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet standing in the holy place …” (NKJV – Emphasis added)

The Greeks words translated “abomination of desolation” could also be translated “foul/detestable” or “destruction” or “grief.”  So the phrase “abomination of desolation” could be translated as “the detestable thing causing destruction or grief.”  This interpretation informs us that this “abomination” being referred to is a nonliving thing and not a person.

In sum, it appears that some sort of detestable idol will be set up in the Most Holy Place of a future temple in Jerusalem by the coming AC and/or the false prophet who will cause grief and destruction among worshippers of the true God.  This idol may be the image of the beast described in Rev 13: 14 which is to be worshipped.

Prince of the Covenant Analysis

We will now analyze whether the coming prince (the coming AC) of Dan 9: 26-27 is the same person as the “prince of the covenant” found in Dan 11: 22.  Let us consider those verses using Christian and Jewish interpretations in an attempt to give us a clearer understanding of what those verses mean.  Relevant words and phrases are highlighted below for our study.

Daniel 9: 26-27 appears in many Christian translations similar to the following:

26 “And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself; and the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary.  The end of it shall be with a flood, and till the end of the war desolations are determined.  27 Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; but in the middle of the week he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering.  And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, even until the consummation, which is determined, is poured out on the desolate.” (NKJV)

These same verses appear in orthodox Jewish translations similar to the following:

 26  “And after the sixty-two weeks, the anointed one will be cut off, and he will be no more, and the people of the coming monarch will destroy the city and the Sanctuary, and his end will come about by inundation, and until the end of the war, it will be cut off into desolation.  27 And he will strengthen a covenant for the princes for one week, and half the week he will abolish sacrifice and meal-offering, and on high, among abominations, will be the dumb one, until destruction and extermination befall the dumb one.”

Daniel 11: 21-23 appears in many Christian translations similar to the following: 

21 And in his place shall arise a vile person, to whom they will not give the honor of royalty; but he shall come in peaceably, and seize the kingdom by intrigue. 22 With the force of a flood they shall be swept away from before him and be broken, and also the prince of the covenant. 23 And after the league is made with him he shall act deceitfully, for he shall come up and become strong with a small number of people. (NKJV)

These same verses appear in orthodox Jewish translations similar to the following:
21And a contemptible person will stand in his place, and they did not place the glory of the kingdom upon him, and he will come in peace and seize the kingdom with flattery.  22And the arms of inundation will be inundated from before him and be broken, and also the leader with whom they made a covenant.  23And from the alliance with him he will work deceitfully, and he will go up and overpower with few people.”

In both the Christian and orthodox Jewish versions of these passages, it becomes apparent that the “prince” or “leader” who is to come described in Dan 9: 27 cannot be the same person who is the “prince of the covenant” of Dan 11: 22 who is overpowered or broken by the coming AC.  Looking at both versions, though the wording in each is slightly different, the point being made in both versions is the same – that the “prince who is to come” of Dan 9: 26 is also the “vile” or “contemptible” person of Dan 11: 21 who is the coming AC.  It is the coming AC who overpowers the “prince” of Dan 11: 22 after a covenant has been made with him.

Perhaps this “covenant” referred to in Dan 11: 22 creates the “league” or “alliance” with the coming AC which is discussed in Dan 11: 23.  But, this is not the same “covenant” of Dan 9: 27 which was not made but “confirmed” or “strengthened” for one week (7 years).  Therefore, the confirmed covenant of Dan 9 must already be in existence when it is strengthened by the coming AC, whereas the Dan 11 covenant is created by the coming AC with another ruler (likely a ruler in Israel) who is then overcome by the coming AC.

In sum, we see that the “covenants” of Dan 9 and Dan 11 are not the same and that the two “princes” of Dan 9 and Dan 11 are not the same.  The coming AC will at first (by himself or with others) give strength to an existing agreement involving Israel (perhaps an acknowledgment of God’s land covenant that He made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in perpetuity found in Gen 12, 15, 26, 28).  The coming AC will some time thereafter enter into a newly created peace agreement with a “prince” (leader) in Israel and others to create a league or alliance of nations to facilitate an illusory peace, which he will use to his advantage through lies and deceit.

Dan 11: 21 et seq. shows us that this illusory peace will be shattered by the lies and deceit of the coming AC as he sets out to gain power and use the alliance to his advantage. He will tighten his grip on world domination and control, acting spitefully against Israel (the people of the covenant) and in favor those who oppose Israel. 

In Part II and Part III of this study we will examine the activities of the coming AC and other attributes in greater detail.

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