Thursday, March 13, 2014

God's Coming Judgment Will Divide America -- "They have Divided Up My Land"

 In the Book of Joel, God speaks to us about His coming last day judgment against the nations gathered against Jerusalem.  In Joel 3, we see that when Jesus returns to defeat the armies gathered at Jerusalem, during the Battle of Armageddon (Rev 16: 16), He will judge the nations gathered there.  Even secular non-Christians have heard about the Battle of Armageddon and know that it is an end time event.

In Joel 3: 1-2, God says that He will judge these nations which have come to destroy His people Israel and His city Jerusalem.  He also tells us that one of the reasons for His judgement is because they  have divided His land.  His words are as follows:

“For behold, in those days and at that time, when I bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat.  I will enter into judgment with them there on account of My people, My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations.  They have also divided up My land." (NKJV - Emphasis added)  So God clearly is not pleased that His land has been divided.

By way of today's newspapers and internet articles anyone who cares to know can see how the United States Secretary of State, John Kerry, has been involved in ongoing negotiations with Israel and the Palestinians for the past few months to obtain a "peace" agreement between these parties.  The latest peace proposal being pushed by Kerry, with orders from President Barack Obama and his staff, calls for Jerusalem to be divided.  Here is a link to one of today's internet articles, dated March 12, 2014 by Michael Snyder, entitled, "The Obama Peace Plan Includes Permanently Dividing The City Of Jerusalem."

(Updated 8/29/15) - It has recently been announced that President Obama will meet Pope Francis at the White House on September 23, 2015 (Yom Kippur - the Day of Atonement).  If, as is rumored, a "peace" deal is announced which divides Jerusalem and gives the Palestinians land in Israel, with East Jerusalem being their new capital, expect God to punish America for the deal by physically dividing the land and people of America soon thereafter.  God will not be mocked.  It could also very well be the beginning of Daniel's 70th week, signalling the beginning of what is commonly called the "7 year tribulation."

The proposed peace agreement includes a provision that divides Jerusalem and creates a new Palestinian State in the West Bank having its capital as east Jerusalem.  I do not know if this exact arrangement proposed by Kerry will prevail, but I have shown you what God thinks about His land being divided.

We know from the Book of Genesis that the land of Israel, God's land, was given in perpetuity to Abraham, Issac, and Jacob and their descendants by God's unilateral promise -- His covenant.  It is clear from Joel 3 that His land will indeed be divided one way or another by the Gentile nations prior to Jesus' return.

Revelation 11: 1-2 tells us that an angel told John the Apostle, as part of John's vision of the last days, to measure a temple but to not measure its outer court which will be tread underfoot by the Gentiles (non-Jews) for 42 months (the 3.5 year period of the Great Tribulation which begins when the Abomination of Desolation of Dan 9: 27, spoken of by Jesus in Mat 24: 15, is set up in the new temple in Jerusalem.)  This temple is not yet built, but we know it will be built prior to the appearance of the coming Antichrist world leader who will enter that future temple (2 Thes 2: 4).

The push for peace by the United States via John Kerry, and by other nations, will no doubt soon pressure Israel into giving up land in Israel to the Palestinians for a putative "peace" with the Palestinians.  After the agreement, the Palestinians will move into the West Bank in Judea and will set up their new Palestinian government in or near east Jerusalem.

Perhaps the temple mount in Jerusalem will also be considered in such a peace deal, where the United Nations, or some other "neutral" government entity, will agree to provide security and control over the temple mount so the Jews can build a new temple there as part of the consideration Israel will demand for giving up some of its land.  This seems likely.

If the United States prevails in pressuring Israel to physically divide God's land, the land He gave to the nation of Israel, I believe God will also physically divide the United States.  Most likely, this will occur by way of some sort of seismic event which will split open the New Madrid fault in and around eastern Missouri causing the land to be split open from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico.  Perhaps this seismic event is preceded by a meteor hit on a fault line in the Caribbean which then triggers the New Madrid fault to open.

In either case, it is clear that God will bring judgment of like kind to the nation that divides His land.  As God tells us in Gen 3: 12, "I will bless those who bless you (the nation of Israel), and I will curse him who curses you."  God does not lie. Obediah 1: 15 gives further proof:  “For the day of the Lord upon all the nations is near.  As you have done, it shall be done to you." (Emphasis added)

Clearly, if the United States divides Israel, God will divided the United States.

Is the church awake?  Do they know about this?  Do they care?  God cares.

The "time of trouble" spoken of throughout the Old Testament is indeed just around the corner.  It is time to repent and to prepare your heart to seek the Lord. (Psalm 27: 5; Zeph 2: 3; Rev 3: 10)

2014 - True Believer

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