Tuesday, June 9, 2009

End Times - Last Days

The terms "end times" or "last days" are commonly used to refer to a time in world history ocurring just prior to the beginning of the Daniel's 70th week. (See, Dan 9: 25-27)  Many believe that, for various reasons supported by scripture, we are actually living in these end times at present.  During these end times, it is imperative that individuals choose to be "saved", i.e. to accept Jesus as one's Lord and Savior and to be inserted into the Kingdom of Heaven for eternity.

Those who have been saved will be with the Lord forever and may endure hardship during the 70th week.  However, those unsaved will remain on the earth and go through the 70th week only to be cast into the lake of fire after having endured various great wars (no doubt they will be nuclear), plagues, droughts, famines, earthquakes, meteor/comet strikes of the earth, etc. Scared???

If you are not presently saved, you should be scared. But, the good news is that a true, heartfelt desire to know Jesus will change your eternal destination -- Heaven or hell. After all, being "saved" is simply the establishment of a personal relationship with Jesus.  Mere mental acknowledgment that Jesus exists is insufficient .  Jesus defined "eternal life" as a relationship with God the Father and with Him, Jesus Christ, which will last forever and will save your soul from destruction. (See, John 17: 3)

So, whether we are currently in the end times or not, it is imperative that one accept Jesus and establish a personal relationship with Him.  After all, we will all die one day and that day is not predictable. You may go to sleep tonight and never wake up again on this earth.  This statement is not being made for any purpose other than to make you aware of the reality.

The reality is that you are a spiritual being, having a soul, and living on earth in a mortal body.  Once you are created by God and exist in your mother's womb, you will never subsequently cease to exist.  But, YOU CHOOSE where you will spend eternity (i.e. the infinite amount of time subsequent to the death of your mortal body).  You will spend eternity either with God or in eternal hell fire -- eternal life or eternal death.

Everyone has been created with free will, which will NEVER be violated by God.  Thus, YOU make ALL decisions in your life, including where you will spend eternity.  Once you pass to the other side, you cannot change any decision you made on earth.  God has set before you life and death, blessings and cursings.  He desires that none should perish and wants you to choose life -- that is, life with Him for eternity.  It's up to you -- it's your choice.

2009 - True Believer

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