Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Financial Crisis - One World Government

One cannot turn on the TV these days without encountering a news item related to the present world financial crisis. Indeed, the main worry for most Americans is their own financial security in a world seething with financial insecurity.

Will my 401(k) recover? Will I have enough in savings to retire? Will I lose my job? Will I find a job? Can I make my next mortgage payment? How will I cover all my credit card debt? These questions currently resonate throughout America and the first world nations. So -- what to do? Where do we go from here? When will we recover and reach a level economic playing field?

I believe that behind the scenes (and in plain view) there is being set up a one-world government, beginning with a centralized financial system. We can already see evidence of this. China and other nations have recently stated a need for a one-world currency to overcome the declining value of the dollar. Since the price of oil is set in U.S. dollars, nations want to decouple the dollar from oil to allow the price of oil to moderate even as the value of the dollar declines. Also, since China and other nations hold hundreds of billions of dollars of U.S. treasury notes, their incentive to divest away from the declining dollar investments (U.S. treasury notes) increases.

Recently at the G-20 meetings, there was a call for standardization of accounting and financial rules on a centralized world-wide basis. The proponents of the call for this centralization plan argued that such a plan would eliminate, or at least diminish, future financial problems such as those on the forefront (i.e., the housing crises, the failure of many large banks, and recent bankruptcies of such large global corporations as GM and Chrysler).

This concept of global centralization of financial standards is simply a first step to a one-world economic system having centralized control. Next would come a one-world currency. A one-world centralized government is also on the horizon. This is truly what the proponents of a "new world order" have in mind.

Amazingly, all of this is laid out in the Bible (See, Revelation, Daniel, etc.) as a future reality. That future reality is becoming our present reality one step at a time. I believe that this global financial crisis, which began in the U.S. over the past several years and stems from lax financial laws concerning housing and derivative investments passed by Congress during the Bush administration, is the beginning of the end of U.S. financial autonomy and the beginning of the establishment of a one-world government and centralized financial institution.

As events unfold, we are marching headlong into the end times (See, End Times blog below). It's time to wake up, smell the coffee, stop our useless and incessant texting, and devote our lives to the Lord. This world as we know it is beginning to change and will soon end.  Unfortunately, this change will be for the worse and will culminate at Armegeddon.  Stay tuned.  Don't say you were not forewarned.

2009 - True Believer

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