Friday, March 28, 2014

The Coming Assyrian (Muslim) Antichrist -- Part III -- His Activities, Characteristics, Timing & Purpose

In this Part III, our final portion of our study, we examine some of the activities to be carried out by the coming Antichrist, the extent of his reign, God’s purpose for him, the timing of events associated with his coming, and other scriptural references to the coming Antichrist.

Activities & Characteristics of the Coming Antichrist

When the AC comes, what will he do?

Daniel 11 describes a series of kings which will arise on the world scene after Darius the Mede.  At the time of this prophecy, Darius was king of the Media/Persian Empire which had conquered the Babylonian kingdom.  The first verses of chapter 11 makes it clear that king Darius was ruling over the captives of Judah at that time.  After king Darius, there were to be three more kings who would rule over the Media/Persian kingdom (Dan 11: 2). 

After these kings a Greek king would arise (Dan 11: 3, 4) who would have great power and dominion before his kingdom would be broken into four portions.  History indicates that this was Greek king was Alexander the Great, whose kingdom was indeed broken into four major portions at his death.  We discussed this previously in Part II of our study in regard to the prophecy of Dan 8 and the geographic origin of the coming AC. 

The narrative in Dan 11 then describes additional future kings of the North and kings of the South, and other individuals, which appeared in history subsequent to the demise of the Media/Persian Empire.  Much of the Dan 11 narrative describes various battles and actions taken by the Kings of the North and Kings of the South who would arise after the then-existing King Darius of the Medes who was, in a sense, the first King of the North of Dan 11.

Winding through the text down to Dan 11: 20 we see a future King of the North who is to impose taxes on the land of Israel (the “glorious kingdom”).  Some scholars argue that this taxing king was Seleucus III of Syria.  Others argue that it is an authority figure who has not yet come, and may be one of the 10 horns (leaders) of Rev 17: 12 who will share power for a brief time with the beast AC in the kingdom of the coming AC and will then be subdued by the AC as he ascends to rule over the worldwide government (kingdom), as described in Dan 7: 8, 20 and 22.  In either case, the King of the North who imposes the taxes on Israel clearly precedes the coming AC.

It is the final King of the North who comes after the taxing king who is the coming AC, the “vile person” who does not receive the honor of royalty.  So, whether there is a 2,000 year gap between taxing king and the coming AC, or whether the coming AC arises to power and subdues him directly, Dan 11: 21 begins a description of the coming AC.

Some Jewish writings teach that Antiochus Epiphanes IV (approx 215–164 BC) fulfilled the role of the “vile person” King of the North of Dan 11: 21 who stops the daily sacrifice in the temple in Jerusalem.  For reasons given below, Antiochus IV did not fulfill this prophecy of Dan 11: 21-45 as the final King of the North and is simply a type or pattern of the coming AC.  At best, it can be argued that Antiochus IV merely partially fulfilled the role and actions of the “vile person”, the final King of the North, by fulfilling at most that which is described in Dan 11: 21-35, which leaves Dan 11: 36-45 to be fulfilled by the coming AC.

According to historians, in about 175 BC Antiochus Epiphanes IV began his rule over the Seleucid Empire (a geographic area of one of the four “notable horns” of Dan 8, discussed previously in Part II of this study).  The Seleucid Empire included Palestine (modern Israel) and Jerusalem.  Antiochus harassed the Jews mercilessly and infringed upon their practice of Judaism.  He effectively ended worship in the temple in Jerusalem after he entered the temple and burned a pig on the sacred alter.  By doing so he desecrated and defiled the temple, thereby making it unclean for worship. 

In response to his actions, a group of Jews known as the Macabees (plural of the Hebrew word for hammer) rose up and began to fight the Seleucid soldiers using guerrilla tactics.  They eventually prevailed in defeating the Seleucids and driving them from Palestine.  Thereafter they cleansed the temple, rededicated it, and reestablished animal sacrifices and worship to God in the temple.

There are obvious problems with the Jewish interpretation of Dan 11: 21-45 as having been fulfilled by Antiochus.  The Rashi interprets Dan 11: 40 (the final battle of the King of the North against the King of the South and the attack of the land of Israel by the King of the North) as occurring during the time of the end when the redemption of the Jewish people occurs.  However, since the Jewish people have not yet been redeemed, this prophecy still awaits fulfillment in the last days when Jesus returns.  The final redemption of the nation of Israel will occur at that time when Jesus will put an end to the Battle of Armageddon and will “save the tents of Judah first.” (Zech 12: 7)  It is only when Jesus returns to destroy the coming AC, the final King of the North, that the complete prophecy of Dan 11: 21-45 will be fulfilled.

Analysis of Scripture for Characteristics of the Coming AC

What follows is a non-exhaustive list of the characteristics, intentions, and activities of the coming AC.  As we get closer in time to the public unveiling of the AC, these items will begin to match up perfectly with current events.

1. He participates in an affirmation/strengthening of an existing covenant involving Israel (Dan 9: 27; Job 41: 4)  At this point his identity may still be unsure, since multiple parties will be involved in this affirmation process.

2.  He rises to power quietly with just a few and intrigues many.  He becomes strong once he assumes control of the worldwide government (Dan 11: 21-23; Dan 8: 9)

3.  He has fierce / stern features (Dan 8: 23)

4.  He is vile, despicable person (Dan 11: 21; Nahum 1: 14; Job 51: 24)

5.  He is a liar (Dan 8: 12)

6. He promotes deceit (Dan 8: 25)

7. He conceives sinister plans (Dan 8: 23; Dan 11: 23; Nahum 1: 11; Ez 38: 10)

8. He is controlled by Satan himself or one of his high ranking demons or fallen angels (Gog) (Rev 13: 4; 2 Thes 2: 9; Ez 38: 3; Ez 39:1)

9. He is given authority of the worldwide government by its 10 leaders (Rev 13: 8; Rev 17: 13; Dan 7: 7-8, 23-24; Dan 11: 39; Dan 2: 42)

10. He subdues three of the 10 leaders as he ascends to power, or shortly thereafter (Dan 7: 8, 24)

11. He never rules over central and southern Jordan (Dan 11: 41)

12. He shows his true evil heart after entering into an alliance of nations, presumptively for peace, then acts deceitfully and breaks the peace terms of the formerly confirmed covenant.  He overwhelms armed forces before him, including the “prince of the covenant” with whom the alliance was made (Dan 11: 22-23; Job 41: 4)

13. He highly values military strength and promotes his own god, which is not the god(s) worshipped by his fathers (Dan 11: 37-38; Ez 38: 15; Job 41: 9-33)

14. He devises military plans against strong defenses and attacks them viciously to gain the wealth they protect (Dan 11: 24, 38-39; Rev 13: 4)

15. He prospers and performs great conquests, for 42 months (Rev 13: 4-5; Dan 8: 24; Dan 11:22)

16. He schemes against and attacks the King of the South (KOS – Egypt?) with a great military force (Dan 11: 25)

17. He defeats the KOS with the help of insiders who betray the KOS (Dan 11: 25-26)

18. He returns to his own land from the land of the KOS with plunder taken from the KOS.  On the way to his country he will enter/attack Israel (therefore, Israel is between KOS and his home country) (Dan 11: 28; Is 10: 24)

19. He shares and distributes his plunder and spoils from his conquests of rich regions among his followers/sympathizers, (Dan 11: 24; Ez 38: 12)

20.  After some time he returns to again attack the KOS, but warships from nations opposed to him off the coast in the Mediterranean thwart his efforts, which enrages him (Dan 11: 29-30)

21. After his efforts are thwarted, he retreats to his home country.  Along the way, his anger causes him to come again against Israel and cause destruction (Dan 11: 30; Is 10: 24; Ez 38: 16; Ez 39: 2)

22.  He gives favor to those who flatter him and who oppose Israel.  He allows them to rule over others on his behalf.  Meanwhile he imposes harsh laws (a yoke) on Jews in Israel and stops the daily sacrifice.  He enters the newly constructed temple in Jerusalem and places there an “abomination of desolation” spoken of by Daniel the prophet and by Jesus (2 Thes 2: 4; Rev 13: 14; Mat 24: 15-16; Mark 13: 14; Is 14: 25; Is 10: 27; Jer 30: 7; Nah 1: 13Dan 8: 11; Dan 11: 30-32, 39)

23.  He exalts himself mightily above every god and speaks pompous things and blasphemies against Almighty God (2 Thes 2: 4; Dan 7: 8; Dan 8: 11, 25; Dan 11: 36-37; Job 41: 34)

24. The setting up of the Abomination of Desolation initiates the 3.5 year period of the Great Tribulation spoken of by Jesus, which period includes severe “natural” catastrophes and severe persecution of Jews in the land of Israel (Mat 24: 15-21)

25. His appearance in the temple precedes by about 3.5 years the coming of Jesus Christ, the rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of the just (2 Thes 2: 1-3; 1 Thes 4: 15-17; Dan 12: 1-2)

26.  He confiscates the property and wealth of many who have insight and understanding of the true God.  He also kills and imprisons some of them, but they will nevertheless teach and instruct many about God (Dan 11: 33)

27. He persecutes the Jewish people and God’s saints around the world during the Great Tribulation for 3.5 years after he enters the temple in Jerusalem (Rev 12: 13, 17; Rev 13: 7; Dan 7: 21, 25; Dan 8: 24; Dan 11: 30; Is 10:24)

28. He divides land for gain and allows those who flatter him to do likewise (Dan 11: 39)

29. He speaks blasphemies against God (Dan 7: 25; Dan 11: 36; Is 52: 5; Rev 13: 5, 7)

30. He and the False Prophet initiate a worldwide monetary and payment system which must be used by anyone desiring to transact business.  The system requires a certain mark on the right hand or forehead of a person (Rev 13: 16-17)

31. He and the False Prophet bring about a worldwide “religion”, which is actually the worship of Satan (Rev 13: 4-5, 12)

32. The False Prophet performs many great lying signs and wonders and deceiving miracles.  He even calls fire to come down from the sky, which deceives even some of those who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ (2 Thes 2: 9-11; Rev 13: 13-14; Mark 13: 6, 22; Mat 24: 5, 11; Luke 21: 8)

33.  He and the False Prophet cause those who fail to worship the coming AC and/or his worldwide government to be killed by being beheaded.  He has beheaded those who will not take the mark on their right hand or forehead (Rev 13: 15; Rev 20: 4; Rev 6: 9)

34. He has a number or symbol associated with him of “666” (Rev 13: 18)

35. He has no regard for the “desire of women” (Dan 11: 37) (gay? staunch abortionist?)

36. He destroys the mighty (Dan 8: 24; Rev 13: 4)

37. He destroys the prosperity of many (Dan 8: 25)

38. He intends to change times and law (Dan 7: 25)

39. At some time he sets up his headquarters in the mountains of Israel near Jerusalem (Dan 11: 45)

40. The KOS attacks him at time of the end, and he counter-attacks with a vast military force (Dan 11: 40)

41. He defeats Egypt and takes its gold and other wealth, and is helped by the Libyans and Sudanese (Dan 11: 42-43)

42. He is allied with Iran and some northern Africa nations, including Libya and northern Sudan (Dan 11: 43; Ez 38: 5-6)

43. While attacking Egypt, he hears fearful news of approaching armies from the east and north and goes out to confront them (Dan 11: 44)

44. He possibly initiates WWIII, where 1/3 of people on earth will die (Rev 9: 18) Otherwise, WWIII will occur prior to his reign over the worldwide government, most likely prior to Daniel's 70th week.

45. He has God’s two witnesses (Enoch and Elijah) killed in the streets of Jerusalem just before Jesus returns (Rev 11: 3-15)

46. He rises up to fight against the Prince of Princes – Christ Himself (Dan 8: 25; Rev 17: 14; Rev 19: 19)

47. He is defeated and is destroyed without human means by the Word of God, Jesus Christ, when Jesus Christ returns to earth while Jerusalem is surrounded by armies during the battle of Armageddon (Rev 16: 16; Rev 19: 20; 2 Thes 2: 3, 8; Dan 7: 11, 26; Dan 11: 36, 45; Joel 12: 20; Is 10: 26; Is 14: 25, 33; Is 31: 8; Ez 38: 18-23; Ez 39: 4, 5, 11; Micah 5: 5; Nahum 1: 15)

Extent of the Reign of the Coming AC

The reign of the coming worldwide government of the coming AC will be over the entire earth, except for the southern region of Jordan.

Some argue that the coming worldwide government will only control one quarter of the earth.  They base their argument on a single verse in scripture found at Rev 6: 8, which describes how death, the rider of the green horse (Greek word here, pronounced “chloros” means green), and Hades (or hell) which follows, will have power (authority) over one fourth of the earth to kill using sword, hunger, death, and the beasts of the earth.  This verse simply describes that the death, famine, pestilence, etc caused when the 4th seal is opened will occur only over one quarter of the earth – not that the extent of the reign of the coming AC is limited to one quarter of the earth.

As a matter of proper interpretation, no doctrine should be created out of a single Bible verse.  To do so is almost always problematic.  It is best to let the fullness of scripture reveal the truth.  Rev 13: 3 tells us that “all the world marveled and followed the beast.”  Revelation 13: 7 describes how “authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation.”  Additionally, Rev 13: 12 informs us that the second beast, the False Prophet, will cause “the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast.” (Emphasis added)  Clearly, these verses show that the coming AC will indeed attempt to control the entire world and have the authority to do so.  Again, his authority will not be limited to one quarter of the earth.

The activities associated with the first four seals described in Rev 6: 1-8 are, I believe, preliminary events which lead up to the establishment of the worldwide government of the coming AC.  A “need” for a world government will increase and grow in stages, as the earthly disasters that are associated with the opening of seals two through four show increasingly greater destruction.  No doubt, the wars, economic collapse, food shortages, famines, disasters, diseases and deaths which occur from events associated with the opening of seals two through four are so devastating to the people of the world that they eagerly turn to a government, even a worldwide government, to give them relief from the situation.

The coming AC who will come to power will not be easily or quickly recognized by many for the true evil man he is.  He will rise to power quietly.  He will no doubt promise a stop the wars, the famines, the terrible world economy, and other things along those lines.  He will probably be a smooth talker and promise things the people of the world ache to hear.

The people of the world will no doubt fall in love with his rhetoric.  Daniel 11: 21 confirms that notion, and describes how the coming AC shall come in peaceably to take leadership of that government by intrigue, with a small number of people.  People will be fascinated with him.  Rev 13: 2 tells us that his rise to power will be assisted by Satan, the red dragon of Rev 12: 3 who has seven heads and 10 horns, showing that Satan is behind evil world empires and evil leaders.  The rise to power by the coming AC will be assisted by another beast which arises, the False Prophet of Rev 13: 11, who will be a religious “sidekick” and cheerleader for the coming AC.

Before the coming AC takes complete control of the worldwide government, it will be ruled and controlled for a while by ten leaders, which are represented by the 10 horns of the seven-headed beast of Dan 7, Rev 12, Rev 13 and Rev 17.  Some time after the 10 leader worldwide government forms, the coming AC will rise to power among them.  Perhaps he will replace one of the 10 leaders.  In any case, he will thereafter remove three of the 10 rulers and thereafter take sole control of the worldwide government.  These actions by the coming AC are described in Dan 7: 8 and 24, and Rev 17: 12-13.

Timing of Events Associated With the Coming Antichrist

The coming AC will likely be associated with a group of nations which affirms or strengthens an existing covenant, to which covenant Israel is a party. (Dan 9: 27; Job 41: 4).  The exact identity of the coming AC may not at that time be specifically known since that group will likely have many participants.  This affirmation of the covenant begins Daniel’s 70th week (7 years of 360 days each), set forth in Dan 9: 27.  Jesus will return to earth to bring in His kingdom and defeat the armies of the coming AC gathered at Jerusalem at the end of that week of years.

As a parallel, Islam looks for their 12th Imam, their savior the Mahdi, to arise during a time of war, world conflict and chaos.  His characteristics are eerily similar to those of the coming AC of the Bible who will likely rise to power after a major war and/or worldwide economic catastrophe.

The coming AC will publically reveal himself to the world at the mid-point of Daniel’s 70th week of years, 3.5 years before Jesus returns, and 3.5 years after the affirmation of Israel’s covenant, when he enters a newly built temple in Jerusalem and declares himself to be the Messiah, the Son of God, or God Himself. (2 Thes 2: 3-12; Dan 9: 27; Dan 11: 31, 36)  It is at this time that the Great Tribulation spoken of by Jesus (Mat 24: 15-21) begins.

Referring to the image above, let us consider certain events described in the book of Revelation.  Rev 12: 1-2 describes how John saw a great sight in heaven of a “woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars. Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth” to a male child.  Some (mostly Catholics) believe this represents Mary, the mother of Jesus, giving birth to Jesus.  Others believe this represents the 12 tribes of Israel (the nation of Israel) giving birth to Jesus (cf, Gen 37: 9 – Joseph’s dream of the sun, moon, and 11 stars (his 11 brothers) bowing to him).  Still others believe this represents the Church of Jesus Christ giving birth to a “new man” (cf, Eph 2: 15 – representing Jew and gentile as one new man in Christ).  

Rev 12: 3-5 makes clear that the child is Jesus (v. 5 – He is to rule all nations with a rod of iron; See also Ps 2: 9; Rev 2: 27; Rev 19: 15) and that Satan (the red dragon) wants to destroy Him (which he thought he had done at the cross).  But the male child was taken (caught up) to heaven to the throne of God (Jesus’ ascension into heaven after His resurrection; Luke 24: 51).

By analysis, the Church cannot be the woman, since it cannot give birth to a child which had not yet created the Church.  It seems clear that the male child who is born and who is to rule the nations with a rod of iron is clearly a description of Jesus.

Interestingly, though I am not a Catholic, I believe that this image, at least in a sense, could represent both Mary and the nation of Israel.  Verse 6 describes how “the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days.”  After Mary gave birth to Jesus, she fled to Egypt with Joseph to escape King Herod’s order to have killed all male children age two and younger in and around Bethlehem. (Mat 2: 13, 16)  Many scholars believe that Jesus was in Egypt for about three years or so until the death of Herod.  Perhaps Mary being kept safe with Jesus in Egypt for 3.5 years is a partial fulfillment prior to the ultimate fulfillment of this prophecy when the nation of Israel is kept safe during the final 3.5 years of the Great Tribulation. 

This vision described by John in about 90 AD, however, cannot be a prophecy of Jesus’ birth, since His virgin birth had already occurred almost 100 years earlier.  This notion is also given support in Rev 4:1, where Jesus calls John up to heaven through the “open door” to see things which were to occur in the future after Jesus delivered to John the seven letters to the seven churches described in Rev 2 and 3.  Since Rev 11-13 describe events which will take place beginning at the mid-point of Daniel’s 70th week, it seems likely that Rev 12 is indeed describing the safe-keeping of the nation of Israel during the Great Tribulation. 

Rev 12: 13-17 shows us how Satan will persecute during the Great Tribulation both the woman (i.e., the nation of Israel, a betrothed wife of God cf, Jer 2: 2; the betrothed who then became adulterous cf, Ez 16:32; but who will be renewed at the end of time as a perfected bride (the New Jerusalem) which will come down from heaven cf, Rev 21: 1, 2, 9, 10) and the rest of her offspring (i.e., the Church of Jesus Christ – the Israel of God, Gal 6: 16, who obey God’s commands and have the testimony of Jesus Christ).

The woman (the nation of Israel) will be given a physical means of escape to “her place in the wilderness”.  According to Rev 12: 11, God does not promise the church protection from death.  Those in the Church must stay “in Christ” to overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony, and are commanded not to love their lives to the end.

The remnant of the nation of Israel which flees to safety from the coming AC at the mid-point of Daniel’s 70th week (the beginning of the Great Tribulation) will be supernaturally protected by God (Mat 24: 15-21; Rev 12: 6), but the Church of Christ is not given such a promise.  Instead, the Church is told to remain strong in Christ (Eph 6: 10), to endure persecution (cf, Rev 13: 10; Rev 14: 12), and to overcome and face death without failing to keep and to obey God’s word (Rev 12: 17) in order to receive the ultimate prize of eternal glory. (Eph 3: 14; Rev 20: 4)

On September 23, 2017, a very rare alignment of the sun, the moon, a few planets, and the constellation Virgo (the virgin) will appear in the sky.  Here is a link to an article which succinctly describes this coming event.  Many others similar articles can be found online.

Referring to the above image, this rare sight in the heavens shows that the planet Jupiter (the king) will emerge seemingly as being “born” from the “womb” of the virgin (Virgo) who is clothed in the sun, with the moon at her feet, and twelve “stars” over her head.  This particular alignment last occurred in the heavens around the time of the birth of Christ in about 4 BC.  So, is God giving us a signal of something significant which is coming upon us?  Is Daniel’s 70th week not far off?

God’s word tells us in the Book of Genesis that God gave us the sun, the moon and the stars for "signs" and "seasons", as well as for light.  The Hebrew word (אוֹת - oht) translated as "sign" can also mean "signal."  The Hebrew word (מוֹעָדִים - moed) translated as "season" literally means an "appointed time."  (See, Gen 1: 14)  So, as depicted in the coming 2017 alignment in the heavens, God seems to be sending us a clear notice that an "appointed time" is upon us – a unique time in history.

Perhaps the sign in the heavens tells us that Daniel’s 70th week will commence in September 2017.  Most likely, this date does not indicate the mid-point of the 70th week since as of this writing in early 2014 we have not yet begun the 70th week.  There appears to be no affirmation yet of a covenant which involves Israel, which is necessary (cf, Dan 9: 27) to begin Daniel’s 70th week.  I make no prediction of any time for its commencement; however, as evidenced by God’s coming “timing signal” in the sky, it cannot be far off.

It is conjecture, but perhaps the placement of Rev 12 in the book of Revelation shows us the timing of the fall of Satan from heaven (God’s presence) and that it will occur at about the midpoint of the 70th week.  This would precipitate Satan being cast down to the earth, along with his fallen angels.  In turn, this event would likely cause the coming AC to be given power by Satan (Rev 13) and perhaps become possessed by Gog (a demonic spirit or fallen angel).  The coming AC would then enter the temple in Jerusalem and declare himself to be God.  This event begins the Great Tribulation, with persecution of the nation of Israel and Christians worldwide.

We now look at God’s purpose for the coming AC.

God's Purpose for the Coming AC

That God be glorified.  When Jesus returns to defeat the coming AC and his armies gathered at Jerusalem, the nations will see that He is the only true God. (cf, Ez 38: 16, 20, 23; Ez 39: 21, 23; Zech 14: 9, 16)

To make known His holy name (YHVY) to His people in the land of Israel when Jesus returns.  To show them that He is their God and that He is in their midst. (cf, Ez 39: 7, 22; Is 10: 24; Is 52: 6)

To end His punishment of the entire house of Israel (all 12 tribes), to show Israel His loving mercy, and to pour out His Spirit on the whole house of Israel when Jesus returns. (cf, Zeph 3: 15; Ez 39: 29;  Joel 2: 29; Dan 11: 30; Rev 13: 13)

To punish the wicked, by using the coming AC as God’s “rod of anger” on earth. (Is 10: 5)

To separate to Himself those who are the true worshippers of God from those who will let themselves be deceived and believe the lies of the coming AC and worship Satan by following the coming AC. (cf, John 4: 23-24; 1Pet 4: 17; 2 Thes 2: 11; Rev 3: 16)

To purify and refine through trial, persecution, affliction and tribulation His holy ones who are the saints of the true church of God – the Philadelphia church (Rev 3: 8) – which will create for Jesus, the coming King, a pure bride for Himself. (2 Cor 11: 2)

We conclude our study of the coming AC with a non-exhaustive Appendix list of some scriptural references to the coming AC.  I pray that you ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom on how to conduct yourselves in these last days to prepare your hearts for what is to come upon the earth, according to God's Word.

Appendix:  Scriptural References to the Coming Antichrist

Below are various portions of scripture which give us information about the geographic origin, characteristics, activities, and intents of the coming AC.  Relevant portions are highlighted to illustrate the reference to the coming AC.

Is 10: 24-25, 27 – (after speaking about the remnant of Israel returning and God making “a determined end in the midst of the land (Israel)”) therefore, says the Lord God of hosts: “O My people who dwell in Zion, do not be afraid of the Assyrian; he shall strike you with a rod and lift up his staff against you, in the manner of Egypt; for yet a little while and the indignation (AC activities against Israel) will cease, as will My anger in their destruction; it shall come to pass in that day that his burden will be taken away from your shoulder and his yoke from your neck and the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil

Is 14: 25-26 – I will break the Assyrian in My land, and on My holy mountains tread him underfoot; his yoke shall be removed from them and his burden removed from their shoulders; this is the purpose that is purposed against the whole earth, and this is the hand that is stretched out over all the nations

Is 19: 23 – in that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria (King’s highway?) and the Assyrian will come into Egypt and the Egyptians into Assyria and Egyptians will serve with the Assyrian

Micah 5: 5-6 – when the Assyrian comes into our land and when he treads in our palaces then we will raise against him 7 shepherds and 8 princely men; they shall waste with the sword the land of Assyria and the land of Nimrod (N. Iraq) at its entrances; thus He (the Lord) shall deliver us from the Assyrian when he comes into our land and when he treads  within our borders

Nahum  1: 11, 15 – from you (Assyria) comes forth one who plots evil against the Lord, a wicked counselor … for the wicked one shall no more pass through you.  He is utterly cut off.

Is 16: 3-4 – hide the outcasts, do not betray him who escapes, let My outcasts dwell with you O Moab, be a shelter to them from the face of the spoiler

Jer 31: 1-2 – At the same time (latter days, end of chapter 30), says the Lord, I will be the God of all the families of Israel and they shall be My people, Thus says the Lord: the people who survived the sword found grace in the wilderness (Petra??) – Israel when I went to give him rest

Ps 55: 20-21 – He has put forth his hands against those who were at peace with him, he has broken his covenant, the words of his mouth were smoother than butter but war was in his heart, his words were softer than oil yet they were drawn swords

Dan 8: 9-11 – and out of one of them (the 4 notable horn remnants of the Greek kingdom) came a little horn which grew exceedingly great toward the south, the east, and toward the Glorious Land (Israel); he even exalted himself as high as the Prince of the host (of heaven) and by him the daily sacrifices were taken away

2 Thes 2: 3-4 – let no man deceive you by any means, for that day will not come unless the falling away comes first and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition (destruction), who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so he sits as God in the temple of God as God

Dan 8: 23 – and in the latter time of their kingdom (4 remnant Greek kingdoms) when the transgressors have reached their fullness, a king will arise having fierce features; he shall destroy the mighty and also the holy people (Israel); he shall exalt himself in his heart; he shall even rise against the Prince of Princes (Jesus); he shall be broken without human means

 Is 19: 4 – the Egyptians I will give into the hand of a cruel master, and a fierce king will rule over them

Dan 7: 23-25 – the 4th beast shall be a 4th kingdom on earth; it shall devour the whole earth, trample it and break it in pieces; the 10 horns are the 10 kings who shall arise from this (4th) kingdom, and another shall arise after them (from them); he shall subdue 3 kings; he shall speak pompous words against the Most High

Dan 11: 21-38 – and in his (taxing king’s) place shall arise a vile person; with a force of a flood they shall be swept away from before him and be broken, and also the prince of the covenant (person not the AC?); forces mustered by him shall stop the daily sacrifices and place there the abomination of desolation; he shall exalt and magnify himself above every god and speak blasphemies against the God of gods

Mat 24: 15-16; Mark 13: 14 – therefore, when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet standing in the holy place (where it ought not) then let those in Judea flee to the mountains

Rev 13: 1-8 – and I saw a beast rising up out of the sea (humanity, typically Gentiles) having 7 heads and 10 horns; all the world marveled and followed the beast; they worshipped the beast; he was given authority to continue for 42 months; he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God; it was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them

Rev 19: 19 – and I saw the beast, the kings of the earth and their armies gathered to make war against Him who sat on the horse (Jesus) and against His army

Job 41: 1-34 – (the description and attributes of the “great Leviathan” from the sea is analogous to the “beast” rising out of the sea of Rev 13) (v. 34) He is king over all the children of pride

Amos 7: 1 (Greek LXX Septuagint) – thus has the Lord shown me, and behold, a swarm of locusts coming from the east (Muslim army led by the coming Muslim AC), and behold one caterpillar, king Gog (demon spirit controlling the coming Muslim AC)

Ez 38: 2-6 – son of man, set your face against Gog of the land of Magog, the prince (Rosh) (chief, ruler) of Meshech and Tubal and prophesy against him; Persia, Ethiopia and Libya are with them; Gomer and all its troops; the house of Togarmah from the far north (perhaps Turkey, southern Russia; Hebrew – “north recesses”) and all of its troops

Dan 11: 40, 43 – at the time of the end the king of the South shall attack him (AC); also the Libyans and Ethiopians shall follow at his heels

Ez 38: 5 – Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya are with them (i.e., with the army of Gog), all of them with shield and helmet

Ez 38: 17 – Thus says the Lord God, Are you he of whom I have spoken in former days by My servants the prophets of Israel, who prophesied for years in those days that I would bring you against them?”

Ez 39: 1-2 – prophesy against Gog and say “behold, I am against you O Gog, the prince of Meshech and Tubal, and I will turn you around and lead you on, bringing you up from the far north and bring you against the mountains of Israel

2014 - True Believer

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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Coming Assyrian (Muslim) Antichrist -- Part II -- His Names & Descriptions, Who is Gog?

In this Part II of our study, we examine the Gog of Ez 38, 39 and how Gog is related to the coming Antichrist.  We also examine various names given in scripture to the coming Antichrist which give clues to his character, origin and other attributes.
In Part III of our study, we examine some of the activities to be carried out by the coming Antichrist, the extent of his reign, God’s purpose for him, the timing of events associated with his coming, and other scriptural references to the coming Antichrist.

Is the Gog of Ez 38, 39 the Coming Assyrian AC?

For reasons I hope to detail in a future blog, I feel confident to state unequivocally that the battle of Armageddon referenced in Rev 16: 16 and the battle of Gog/Magog referenced in Ez 38, 39 refer to the same battle, which is the last days battle for Jerusalem.  Many teach that these battles are distinct and that they take place years apart from one another near opposite ends of Daniel’s 70th week.  This battle will take place in the days leading up to the return of our Lord Jesus Christ who will return to earth and destroy the invading armies before they destroy Jerusalem and wipe out His remnant of the nation of Israel who will be trapped in Jerusalem by the invading armies.

In Ez 38, 39 God identifies Gog as being associated with the invading armies which are coming against the land of Israel and the city of Jerusalem.  In Ez 38: 14, Gog is identified with the coming AC.  Through Ezekiel He poses a question:  Are you he of whom I have spoken in former days by My servants the prophets of Israel, who prophesied for years in those days that I would bring you against them?” (Emphasis added)  To whom is God referring?  He is referring to none other than the coming AC.  But, the question remains - is Gog the coming AC?

The name Gog shows up nowhere in scripture apart from Ez 38, 39 and Rev 20, unless we consider the Septuagint (LXX) translation of Amos 7: 1 (discussed in more detail below).  Apart from the LXX translation of Amos 7, no other prophet of God in the Old Testament specifically names this same Gog in any prophecy.  Since God does not lie, His statement found in Ez 38: 14 that He had already spoken about Gog through His other prophets (plural) must refer to other descriptions and names used by other prophets which refer to the same person or entity. Ez 38 and 39 tell us that Gog is a person or entity who comes on the scene during the last days to lead an army to destroy Jerusalem.

Many of God’s other prophets have also written about the last days and a coming evil person who will persecute and attempt to destroy the nation of Israel and the city of Jerusalem.  The prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Amos, Zechariah, and Zephaniah, to name a few, have written about these coming events and a coming evil leader.  We shall investigate the names and descriptions they have given to this coming evil person.

Throughout the Old Testament we find various descriptions of evil men who are types and patterns of the coming AC figure.  In Part I of this study we discussed one of these in our discussion of Dan 9 (i.e., Antiochus Epiphenes IV).  As another example of a pattern of the coming AC, in 2 Kings 18: 13 – 2 Kings 19: 37 and other scripture we find a description of the intents and actions of King Sennacherib of ancient Assyria (more on him later) and how he plotted evil against the nation of Israel.  He invaded the land of Israel, then captured and carried away most of the remnant of the 10 northern tribes who lived there.  He then dispersed them throughout the lands of his Assyrian kingdom to the north and east of Jerusalem.

Below is a non-exhaustive list of various names, titles and descriptions given by Old Testament prophets and New Testament writers which clearly refer to the same coming AC giving us clues as to his origin, character, and activities.  Only the prophet Ezekiel specifically mentions “Gog”, as we discussed above, yet these various descriptions refer to the same dark entity or individual who will wreck havoc on the nation of Israel and the world.

-          The Antichrist: (1 John 2: 18, 22; 2 John 7; Mat 24: 23-24)  John is the only writer in the Bible who uses this exact title for this coming worldwide government leader.  The coming AC will likely deny that God (YHVH) the Father and Jesus the Son are one, and that they are both God Almighty.  

-          The Assyrian:  We learned in Part I of our study that Dan 2, Dan 8, Dan 9, and Micah 5 speak of the coming AC, and that he will be an “Assyrian.” 

Historical King Sennacherib was a type and pattern of the coming AC.  Many passages in scripture refer to this King Sennacherib of ancient Assyria of the early 8th century BC, who was ultimately defeated by God. (cf; 2 Chron 32; Is 36: 1; Is 37: 8, 17, 21, 36, 37; 2 Kings 18: 13 – 2 Kings 19: 37)  King Sennacherib placed a yoke or heavy burden on the people of the 10 northern tribes of Israel when he invaded in approximately 701 BC and took most of those 10 tribes away as captives.  He thereafter dispersed them throughout his Assyrian kingdom.

Meanwhile, King Hezekiah of Judah saw the destruction and evil that King Sennacherib was imposing on the 10 northern tribes and feared that he might invade Judah also and destroy it.  Hezekiah prayed to God for deliverance and protection of Jerusalem and the people of Judah.  God heard his prayer and an angel of the Lord destroyed the army of Sennacherib in a single night (2 Kings 19: 35-36).  After this, Sennacherib returned home to Nineveh, the capitol of Assyria, and was soon murdered there by two of his sons (2 Kings 19: 37).

God will also destroy the coming AC, but this time without using human agents.  When Jesus Christ returns, He will defeat the armies of the coming Assyrian AC and will destroy him in the lake of fire which awaits him. (Rev 19: 20)

There are passages in scripture which describe an end time Assyrian AC who will invade Israel with the intent to destroy Jerusalem. (cf, Is 10: 12-34; Is 14: 25; Is 30: 30-33; Is 31: 8-9; Is 52: 4; Micah 5: 5-6).  The description of how this future Assyrian AC is destroyed by God on the mountains of Israel (Is 14: 25) closely resemble the description of God’s destruction of the army of Gog / Magog (Ez 38: 18 - Ez 39: 20).

As the armies of historical King Seenacherib were destroyed by God, the armies of the coming Assyrian AC will be destroyed by God on the mountains and the open fields in the land of Israel and around Jerusalem (Ez 38: 21, 39:5).   

-          The Beast: (Rev 13; Rev 17: 3-16; Rev 19: 20; Dan 9: 27)  The coming AC who will rule the coming worldwide government during Daniel’s 70th week.

-          Destroyer of Nations: (Is 10: 7)  God will use the coming AC to judge and to punish and destroy many ungodly nations.  (Compare, “Rod of My Anger”, below).

-          Gog: (Ez 38; Ez 39)  description of the evil spiritual entity which will influence the coming AC.  He is the “prince” of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal and leads a confederation of armies against the land of Israel and Jerusalem.  (The LXX translation of Amos 7: 1 mentions Gog as a “caterpillar” who is king and leader of an army of invading “locusts” which is to come against the land of Israel.  More on this later.)

-          He of Whom I Have Spoken: (Ez 38: 17)  Generic term for the coming AC.  

-          King Having Fierce Features: (Dan 8:23; Rev 13: 4)  A descriptive name for the “little horn” of Dan 8: 9 who will arise in the last days from one of the four “notable horns” (kingdoms) of Alexander’s Empire.  He will stop the daily sacrifices in Jerusalem and will persecute the saints of God.  His power will come from Satan. 

-          King of Assyria: (Is 10: 12)  The coming AC is the final King of Assyria, who is a very arrogant and prideful man who will come against a "godless nation" (Israel??) and will cause much destruction there, though it is actually God who is using him to do so. (See, Is 10:5-12) 

-          King of the North: (Dan 11: 21)  The coming AC is the final King of the North of Daniel 11.  Dan 11: 21 tells us that the coming AC will “seize the kingdom by intrigue” (the kingdom of the north) and will then act deceitfully while warring against many nations, destroying and stealing from them, and attacking the people of God inside and outside of the land of Israel. (More on his exploits later.) 

-          Leader of the Northern Army: (Joel 2: 20)  God’s destruction of this Northern Army closely parallels the description of God’s destruction of the army of Gog found in Ez 39: 11, where God drives that army into the area of land near the Dead Sea where He destroys it and it is buried there.  Dan 11: 38-39 and Rev 13:4 tell us that the coming AC, as the King of the North, has great military might and uses it against other nations and their strong military defenses. 

-          Leviathan: (Job 41; Is 27: 1; Ps 74: 14; Ps 104: 26)  Chapter 41 of the Book of Job speaks about a beast in the sea (Rev 13: 1) called Leviathan which is an allegorical description of the coming AC and many of his characteristics, attitudes and activities which echo descriptions found elsewhere in scripture which pertain to the coming AC.

Below are representative verses of chapter 41 of the Book of Job which pertain to the coming AC.  Under each relevant verse is one or more verses of scripture found elsewhere in the Bible which have a description very similar to that being described in Job 41.

In reference to the “Leviathan” of Job 41, God asks Job the following questions:

o       Can you pierce his jaw with a hook? (v. 2)

§         I will turn you around, put hooks in your jaw, and lead you out (Ez 38: 4)

o       Will he make supplications to you?  Will he speak softly to you? (v. 3)

§         He shall come in peaceably, and seize the kingdom by intrigue. (Dan 11: 21)

§         He has put forth his hands against those who were at peace with him.  He has broken his covenant.  The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart.  His words were softer than oil, yet they were drawn swords. (Ps 55: 20-21)

o       Will he make a covenant with you? (v. 4)

§         He shall confirm a covenant with many for one week (Dan 9: 27)

o       Will you leash him for your maidens? (v. 5)

§         The city shall be taken, the houses rifled and the women ravished. (Zech 14: 2)

o       Will your companions make a banquet of him? (v. 6)

§         Speak to every sort of bird and to every beast of the field:  “Assemble yourselves and come gather together from all sides to My sacrificial meal which I am sacrificing for you.
A great sacrificial meal on the mountains of Israel, that you may eat flesh and drink blood.  You shall eat the flesh of the mighty, drink the blood of the princes of the earth, of rams and lambs, of goats and bulls, all of them fatlings of Bashan.
You shall eat fat till you are full, and drink blood till you are drunk at My sacrificial meal which I am sacrificing for you.  You shall be filled at My table with horses and riders, with mighty men and with all the men of war,” says the Lord God. (Ez 39: 17-20)

§         I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the birds that fly in the midst of heaven, “Come and gather together for the supper of the great God, that you may eat the flesh of kings, the flesh of captains, the flesh of mighty men, the flesh of horses and of those who sit on them, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, both small and great.” (Rev 19: 17-18)

§         Be silent in the presence of the Lord God, for the day of the Lord is at hand.  For the Lord has prepared a sacrifice, He has invited His guests.  And it shall be in the day of the Lord’s sacrifice that I will punish the princes and the king’s children, and all such as are clothed with foreign apparel. (Zeph 1: 7-8)

§         For God is my King from of old … You broke the heads of Leviathan in pieces, and gave him as food to the people inhabiting the wilderness (Ps 74: 12, 14)

o       Can you fill his skin with harpoons, or his head with fishing spears?  Lay your hand on him, remember the battle.  Never do it again.  Indeed, any hope of overcoming him is false.  Shall one not be overwhelmed at the sight of him?  No one is so fierce that he would dare stir him up…  I will not conceal his limbs, his mighty power, or his graceful proportions.  Who can remove his outer coat?  Who can approach him with a double bridle?  Who can open the doors of his face with his terrible teeth all around?  His rows of scales are his pride, shut up tightly as with a seal…  On earth there is nothing like him which is made without fear. (vv. 7-10, 12-15, 33)

§         And they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?” (Rev 13:4)

§         Nimrod, a type of AC, began to become a mighty hunter on the earth. (Gen 10: 8-9)  He challenged God by gathering all men to exalt and make a name for themselves by building a large tower to glorify not God, but themselves.  The name Nimrod comes from a Hebrew word meaning rebel or rebellious.  Nimrod was the first Assyrian world leader.  The coming AC will be the final Assyrian world leader.  

§         He shall honor a god of fortresses, and a god his fathers did not know he shall honor with gold and silver, with precious stones and pleasant things.  Thus he shall act against the strongest fortresses with a foreign god, which he shall acknowledge, and advance its glory (Dan 11: 38-39)

§         In that day the Lord with His severe sword, great and strong, will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent; Leviathan that twisted serpent.  And He will slay the reptile that is in the sea. (Is 27: 1)

o       He beholds every high thing.  He is king over all the children of pride. (v. 34)

§         How you are fallen from heaven O Lucifer, son of the morning.  How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations.  For you have said in your heart:
I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north;
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I will be like the Most High.
Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, to the lowest depths of the Pit. (Is 14: 12-15)

§         I was considering the horns, and there was another horn, a little one, coming up among them, before whom three of the first horns were plucked out by the roots. And there, in this horn, were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking pompous words…  He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, shall persecute the saints of the Most High, and shall intend to change times and law.  Then the saints shall be given into his hand for a time and times and half a time. (Dan 7: 7, 25)

§         And out of one of them came a little horn which grew exceedingly great toward the south, toward the east, and toward the Glorious Land.   It grew up to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and some of the stars to the ground, and trampled them.  He even exalted himself as high as the Prince of the host … he shall exalt himself in his heart.  He shall destroy many in their prosperity.  He shall even rise against the Prince of princes, but he shall be broken without human means. (Dan 8: 9-11, 25)

§         Then the king shall do according to his own will.  He shall exalt and magnify himself above every god, shall speak blasphemies against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the wrath has been accomplished.  For what has been determined shall be done.  He shall regard neither the God of his fathers nor the desire of women, nor regard any god, for he shall exalt himself above them all. (Dan 11: 36-37)

§         In that day you shall not be shamed for any of your deeds in which you transgress against Me.  For then I will take away from your midst those who rejoice in your pride, and you shall no longer be haughty in My holy mountain.  I will leave in your midst a meek and humble people, and they shall trust in the name of the Lord.  The remnant of Israel shall do no unrighteousness and speak no lies, nor shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth.  (Zeph 3: 11-13)

§         For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, … wickedness, deceit, … blasphemy, pride, ... .  All these evil things come from within and defile a man. (Mark 7: 21-23)

-          Little Horn: (Dan 7: 8, 20; Dan 8: 9, 21-23) In Dan 7, we see a “little horn” which arises up among 10 existing horns (kings) on the head of a terrible end time beast (kingdom) which arises upon the earth.  It describes how three of those 10 horns fall because of the “little horn.”  The “little horn” of Dan 8 arises out of one of four existing “notable horns” (kingdoms) which existed after the fall of Alexander’s Greek Empire and is itself representative of a “king having fierce features”, discussed above.

-          Man of Sin / Man of Lawlessness: (2 Thes 2: 3-4)  the lawless one; the Satan-possessed coming AC who will exalt himself to be equal to God.

-          One of Whom I Have Spoken in Former Days: (Ez 38: 17)  As we discussed above, Israel’s prophets of old prophesied about a last days coming AC who would come against Jerusalem and the land of Israel seeking destruction.  

-          Prince Who is to Come: (Dan 9: 26)  We examined this topic in Part I of our study.  This verse is helpful to discern the ethnic origin of this coming AC.

-          Rod of My Anger: (Is 10: 5)  The coming AC will be used by God to punish and to destroy the ungodly on earth.  (Compare, “Destroyer of Nations”, above).

-          Son of Perdition / Son of Destruction: (2 Thes 2: 3)  The Greek word translated perdition or destruction is the word "Apollyon” which means destroyer.  In this verse it is used in a context which refers to a state of eternal damnation.

-          The Spoiler: (Is 16: 4) Describes a time when refugees from the land of Israel will be sheltered in the land of Moab to escape the “Spoiler.”  Dan 11: 41 describes how the land of Moab will escape his hand and not be under the control of the coming AC, the final King of the North of the last days.

-          Vile / Despicable Person: (Dan 11: 21; Nahum 1: 14)  The Hebrew word used in these verses denotes an unpleasant person who is morally corrupt in a context of an end time coming AC.

-          Wicked Counselor / Wicked One: (Nahum 1: 11, 15)  This prophecy was written in about 615 BC.  It is not, as some argue, a mere historical description of what the Assyrian Empire did to the 10 northern tribes of Israel in the early 8th century BC.  Rather, this is an end time prophecy which refers to a future wicked person to be from and ancient land of Assyria who will place bonds and a yoke upon God’s people, which yoke will be destroyed and bonds will be broken when Jesus returns to earth (v. 13).

-          Yoke Giver: (Jer 30: 7-8; Nahum 1: 13; Is 14: 25; Is 47: 6)  A phrase which describes the coming AC who will place a yoke, a heavy burden, on the people in the land of Israel, as did King Sennacherib, the historical King of Assyria.  This yoke will be destroyed by Jesus at His coming.

Ezekiel 38, 39 Analysis

Let us now examine Ez 38, 39 to determine the nations and/or groups of peoples who will come with the AC against the land of Israel.

Ez 38: 3 and Ez 39: 1 is often translated such that Gog is the “prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal.”  Other translations have Gog as:  chief prince of Meshech and Tubal.”  After studying a very detailed analysis of Hebrew words and Hebrew grammar specific to these very verses, in a 2003 book by Dr. Jon Mark Ruthven entitled, “The Prophecy That is Shaping History – New Research on Ezekiel’s Vision of the End”, I am convinced that the correct translation of these verses should be:  prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal”, and not “chief prince of Meshech and Tubal”.

Some today associate “Rosh” of Ez 38: 2 with the people and the nation of Russia and “Meshech” with the people who once lived in the land around the modern Russian city of Moscow.  Furthermore, they associate “Tubal” with a geographic region which ranges from the southern end of the Ural Mountains in south central Russia and projects northward into north central Russia.

The people groups who are Rosh, Meshech and Tubal are thought to be those which have migrated to locations in Russia today from lands within what is now Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan.  In ancient times, these lands were within the bounds of the fullest extent of the ancient Assyrian Empire (see map below), which is consistent with our hypothesis that the coming AC will be an Assyrian.

The maps above indicate possible land areas where those three people groups lived in ancient times.  Today, these land areas are within modern Turkey, and in Georgia and Azerbaijan (those areas just south of the Caucasus Mountains, an east-west range of steep mountains which separate Georgia and Azerbaijan to the south from Russia to the north).  Other than Russia (except for the province of Chechnya in southern Russia), all of these countries today have mostly Muslim populations who practice Islam.

It is unclear whether the people groups mentioned in Ez 38: 2 as being associated with Gog (prince of Rosh, Meshech, Tubal) represent modern Russia or Turkey, but it seems very likely since these nations have legitimate military forces.  These people groups may otherwise or represent people of the modern nations located northeast of Turkey and south of the Caucasus Mountains, which are Georgia, and Armenia.  This scenario seems unlikely since these small nations are not very wealthy nor do they have much in the way of a standing military.

A review of numerous texts, writings and maps on the subject convinces me that the exact location of the three people groups of Ez 38: 2 is not possible today.  I have no doubt, however, that once events in the world take shape and line up more and more with the descriptions found in Ez 38, we will know the exact identity of these people groups.  Their exact identity today is still clouded and confused through many migrations of peoples having similarly sounding names throughout history throughout the Mideast and central Asia.

In any case, Ez 38: 2-6 makes clear that Gog will lead a group of people (Rosh, Meshech, Tubal, together with Togarmah and Gomer) from somewhere north of Israel against the land of Israel in the last days.  This group will be joined by Persia (Iran; Ez 38: 5) to come against the land of Israel.

Let us examine Ez 38, 39 to determine whether the Gog described therein refers to the coming AC or to someone or something else.  Ez 38: 1 and Ez 39: 1 record God telling Ezekiel to prophecy (speak) against Gog for various reasons.  I have uncovered the following slightly differing translations of the Hebrew words which follow the word “Gog” in those verses to help understand better what God is saying.

We have the following translations:

"Gog and the land of Magog" (Greek LXX Septuagint);

"Gog (toward the) land of Magog" (Masoretic text); and

"Gog from the land of Magog" (NKJV).

Gog is associated with the land of Magog.  Whether or not Gog is a ruler from the land of Magog is unclear.  But, it is clear that Gog and the people of the land of Magog will join forces and come down against the land of Israel, led by Gog.

We look to Rev 20: 8 for additional help.  That verse tells us that both Gog and Magog will come again against Jerusalem after the 1,000 year earthly reign of Christ.  In the Greek, in Rev 20: 8 the definite article “the” precedes “Gog” and “Magog,” which yields:  the Gog and the Magog.  Therefore, to be consistent with what Rev 20: 8 is telling us in the Greek, I believe the thrust of the Hebrew of Ez 38: 1 refers to two specific individuals or specific people groups.  Gog may indeed be confederated or otherwise associated with the land of Magog, but Gog is not the same “person” or “people group” as Magog.  Magog is the origin of the people of Magog.

In any case, Gog will align with a confederation of groups of northern peoples, whether or not they dwell in the same land or nation today, to come up against Israel for the purpose of attacking and taking its spoils in the last days.

We need to examine whether this Gog is the same person who is the coming AC.

I suggest that Gog is not the actual AC, but is a malevolent non-human spirit entity which will influence and control the actions and intents of the coming human AC.  This conclusion is consistent with Rev 20: 8 which requires Gog to appear on the scene again after the 1,000 year reign of Christ, which is 1,000 years after the human AC has been tossed alive into the lake of fire and destroyed (Rev 19: 20).  It appears likely that Gog is the evil spiritual force behind the coming invasion of Israel which will bring armies from parts of the world north of Israel.  Gog is not a flesh and blood human being.  Perhaps Gog is none other than Satan himself or one of his high ranking fallen angles or demon spirits.

As further evidence of Gog being a spirit being, the name Gog also appears in the Greek LXX Septuagint translation of the Book of Amos (Amos 7: 1).  This version of the Old Testament existed at the time Jesus walked the earth with His disciples and was used by Jewish leaders of the time.  I found nothing to indicate that Jesus ever commented on that verse to correct it or ever mentioned that it was incorrect.  In Amos 7: 1 of the LXX, Gog is named as a caterpillar king over a swarm of "locusts” which come from the east to invade the land of Israel.  Prov 30: 27 tells us that “the locusts have no king.”  So if natural locusts have no king then Ezekiel 38, 39; Rev 20: 8; and Amos 7: 1 (LXX) must be describing a non-human spirit “king” named Gog.

Does this sound absurd?  The apostle Paul tells us in Eph 6: 12 that we do not struggle “against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” (Emphasis added)

There is precedent in the Bible for a specific description of a non-human spiritual evil leader which is referred to as a king or prince.  Please note that Dan 10: 13 reveals the “prince” of Persia that prevented an angel sent from God from coming directly to Daniel to deliver God’s answer to Daniel’s prayer.  The angel had been delayed for three weeks by this “prince” who thwarted his efforts.  From the context of the verse, it is clear that the “prince” who interfered with the angel sent by God to Daniel was not a human being, but a demonic spiritual force which no doubt controlled, or at least highly influenced, the activities of the actual flesh and blood King Cyrus who was at that time the king of Persia (Dan 10: 1). 
Dan 10: 13 tells us plainly that the angel sent by God to speak with Daniel could not get past the “prince” of Persia until “Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help him.”  The angel further explains in verse 13 that he (the angle) had difficulty until Michael (a more powerful archangel) showed up to help him and that he had been “left alone there with the kings of Persia.” (Emphasis added)

The Hebrew word for “kings” is pronounced meh'·lek and denotes a single king and not plural kings.  In any case, the context of Dan 10: 13 demonstrates that the spirit “kings of Persia” which thwarted the angel are not flesh and blood kings, but is likely they are demonic spirits which are more powerful than the “prince” who also withstood the angel.

Another example in the Bible of a non-human ruler is found in Ez 28: 11-19, where a lamentation against the “king” of Tyre refers to Satan himself and not to an earthly flesh and blood king of Tyre.

Similarly, in Is 14: 12-21 in the midst of a discourse about the actual flesh and blood “king” of Babylon these verses suddenly begin to describe the fall of Satan.  The verses also describe how God will destroy those earthly humans who are following Satan at Christ’s coming, and how God will eventually destroy Satan also.

From this Biblical analysis, it seems conclusive that Gog is indeed a non-human malevolent spiritual force behind the invading troops which will come against Israel from the north (Ez 38: 2-4, 6) and from Persia (the locusts of Iran) in the east (Ez 38: 5).  Gog will be destroyed at the end of the 1,000 year reign of Christ. (Rev 20)

As an interesting side note, Abul A’la Mawdudi, one of Islam’s most prominent scholars of the 20th century, used the word “abyss” in his book written for non-Islamic people concerning the beginnings of Islam. (“Towards Understanding Islam”, 8th ed. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: National Offset Printing Press, 1986)   The book was written to introduce English-speaking people to the basics of Islam.  Therein, Mawdudi informs his readers that Mohamed and his message came out of “Arabia – the Abyss of Darkness.”  These words appear in bold print as a sub-heading under the title page of the book.

One could argue that Mawdudi unwittingly identified the religion of Islam as “the Abyss of Darkness.”  In Rev 9: 1 the word “abyss” appears in relation to the sounding of the 5th trumpet.  Many English versions of the Bible instead use the phrase “bottomless pit”, but the Greek word used actually means “abyss.”  This non-Biblical source may indeed be evidence to corroborate our hypothesis that the coming AC will likely be an “Assyrian” which indicates he is from lands where Islam is practiced today.

In various writings of Islam praise is given to the locust for being able to destroy the enemies of Islam, but not vegetation.  This also lines up with the sounding of the 5th trumpet, where in Rev 9: 4 the “locusts” are commanded to not harm the vegetation (the grass, trees, or any green thing).  Could this Rev 9 Islamic invasion be the same as the invasion of Iran (Persia) forecast in Ez 38: 5?  It appears most likely. 

Further, there is Islamic lore that Mohamed had a dream where locusts came to rest on his shoulder.  On the wings of the locusts was written, “we are the army of the most high God …”.  Is this a somewhat strange corroboration that the “locusts from the east” described in the LXX version of Amos 7: 1 are the “locusts” of Rev 9 and the invasion of Islamic troops of Iran of Ez 38: 5?  Is this all a coincidence?  Time will tell.

In Part III of this study we will examine the activities, timing, extent of reign, and purpose of the coming AC and other attributes in greater detail.

2014 - True Believer

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